Master thesis code for predicting apnea events using yolo. Predict Apnea events on ABDO signal from .edf file or other numpy array signal using trainled Yolo model. Outputs nsrr-xml info, but wil later be expanded to be able to compare to true signals annotated by sleep technicians, and will return values of how good the predictions are.
When more models have been generated and trained, the intention is that this repo will handle them as well by changing paramenters when initializing the detector
Predict Apnea events on .edf file or ABDO_RES signal and returns an predictions object with different ways to visualize the predictions.
This package can be run as a standalone detector, or can be imported in other projects
Import as:
from yoloapnea.apnea_detector import ApneaDetector
detector = ApneaDetector()
Run yolo on signal:
signal = np.array of shape (x,) # Currently needs to be ABDO_RES signal
Needs to be done after the previous part to have generated predictions.
Get prediction object:
predictions = detector.predictions
Get NSRR xml output of predictions:
xml = predictions.get_xml()
Get numpy array of predictions
xml = predictions.get_predictions_as_np_array()
Get numpy array of the most recent predictions Usefull for real-time detection. Returns an array of the same length as the sliding window durtation
xml = predictions.get_last_predictions()
usage: [-h] file
short | long | default | help |
-h |
--help |
show this help message and exit |