OpenTracing Instrumentation library for Confluent-Kafka-Python applications.
This library provides wrapper implementations over confluent-kafka's consumer and producer interfaces with below features:
- retain the default confluent-kafka producer/consumer functionality and API
- provide capability to create tracing spans whenever a message is produced/consumed
- default span name for producer is "To_<topic_name>" and for consumer is "From_<topic_name>". It can be overridden from constructor by passing a custom function with kafka message as parameter.
- inject created span context into kafka message header for extraction by another kafka client to continue span chain
This python package is released at PyPi:
Release is automated using git-webhook which triggers build and deployment at CircleCI pipeline:
- Instantiate the relevant tracing kafka client with a opentracing-client instance. Then, use it like the default confluent kafka client.
For producing kafka message:
from opentracing_kafka.tracing_kafka_producer import TracingKafkaProducer
conf = {'bootstrap.servers': brokers}
producer = TracingKafkaProducer(conf, tracer)
producer.produce(topic_name, key, value, on_delivery=delivery_cb)
For consuming kafka message:
from opentracing_kafka.tracing_kafka_consumer import TracingKafkaConsumer
conf = {'bootstrap.servers': brokers,
'': consumer_group_id}
consumer = TracingKafkaConsumer(conf, tracer)
msg = producer.poll(1.0)
- instance
above is an opentracing-client instance which implements the open-tracing protocol like jaegar and datadog. The complete list of supporter tracer implementation is
As Jaegar (by CNCF: is the most popular one, below is the snippet to create the jaegar tracer instance:
from jaeger_client import Config
jaegar_config = { # usually read from some yaml config
'sampler': {
'type': 'const',
'param': 1,
'logging': True,
'local_agent': {
'reporting_host': JAEGAR_AGENT_HOST,
'reporting_port': JAEGAR_AGENT_PORT
config = Config(
tracer = config.initialize_tracer()
- What is OpenTracing Protocol:
- What is Distributed Tracing:
- Tracers Protocol: