Betsy is a tool to check the degree of conformance of a BPEL engine against the BPEL standard. More information can be found in the technical report. A sample output of a run of betsy are also available.
This software is licensed under the LGPL Version 3 Open Source License.
- Windows 7
- JDK 1.7.0_03 (64 Bit) or higher
should point to the jdk directoryPATH
should includeJAVA_HOME/bin
- SoapUI 4.5 (64 bit)
- installed path should be
C:\Program Files\SmartBear\soapUI-4.5.0
- installed path should be
- Ant 1.8.3
should point to the Ant directoryPATH
should includeANT_HOME/bin
LGPL Version 3:
Requirements have to be fulfilled in order to execute any of these gradlew
$ gradlew run # Running all tests for all engines
$ gradlew run -Pargs="ode" # Running all tests for Apache ODE
$ gradlew run -Pargs="ode,bpelg" # Running all tests for Apache ODE and bpel-g
$ gradlew run -Pargs="ALL SEQUENCE" # Running Sequence test for all engines
$ gradlew run -Pargs="ALL SEQUENCE,WHILE" # Running Sequence and While test for all engines
$ gradlew run -Pargs="ode SEQUENCE" # Running Sequence test for Apache ODE
$ gradlew run -Pargs="-s" # Running all tests for all engines installing engines only once
$ gradlew run -Pargs="-s ode" # Running all tests for Apache ODE installing engines only once
$ gradlew idea # Generating Intellij IDEA project files
$ gradlew eclipse # Generating Eclipse project files
$ gradlew groovydoc # Generating GroovyDoc
From public subversion directory
downloads/ # downloads of the engines
server/ # engine installation directory
test/ # execution results and reports
src/main/tests/ # the bpel, wsdl, xsd files and test configuration
src/main/xslt/[engine/] # common and engine specific xslt scripts
src/main/resources/[engine/] # common and engine specific xsds and other resources
src/main/groovy # the main source code
src/main/java # mock web service implementation
test/reports/html/ # html junit reports
test/$engine/$process/bpel/ # bpel file(s), wsdl file(s), xsd file(s)
test/$engine/$process/pgk/ # deployable zip files
test/$engine/$process/soapui/ # soapUI test suite
test/$engine/$process/reports/ # soapUI test reports
Optional directories
[test/$engine/$process/binding/ # binding package]
[test/$engine/$process/composite/ # composite package]
Simon Harrer and Joerg Lenhard
- Fork
- Send Pull Request