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Conveniently take IGV snapshots in multiple bam files over mutliple regions.


  • The standard way of running is through docker or singularity.
  • Supports genomes listed in the genomes.json from the IGV team.

Call for help

  • IGVer isn't battle-hardened at all; any help/push/feedback will greatly help improving it! 🙏


  • --help gives:
usage: [-h] --bam BAM [BAM ...] -r REGIONS -o OUTDIR [-g GENOME]
                [-t TAG] [-mph MAX_PANEL_HEIGHT] [-od OVERLAP_DISPLAY]
                [--overwrite] [-d IGV_DIR] [--config CONFIG]

Create temporary batchfile and run IGV for a region list

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bam BAM [BAM ...]   Input tumor bam file(s) to be shown vertically
  -r REGIONS, --regions REGIONS
                        Either a 'chr:start-end' string, or input regions file
                        with region columns to be shown horizontally
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        Output png directory
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        Genome version [default: 'GRCh37']
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     Tag to suffix your png file [default: 'tumor']
  -mph MAX_PANEL_HEIGHT, --max_panel_height MAX_PANEL_HEIGHT
                        Max panel height [default: 200]
  -od OVERLAP_DISPLAY, --overlap_display OVERLAP_DISPLAY
                        'expand', 'collapse' or 'squish'; [default: 'squish']
  --overwrite           Overwrite existing png files [default: False]
  -d IGV_DIR, --igv_dir IGV_DIR
  --config CONFIG       Additional preferences [default: None]

Additional IGV preferences

group TAG HP
colorBy TAG rl

Caveat: setting IGV screenshot width

  • AFAIK, the only way to modify the batch screenshot width is by modifying your ${IGV_DIR}/ file. There is a line that looks something like IGV.Bounds=0,0,640,480, meaning that IGV set the bounds of the left, top, width, height (refer to igvteam/igv#161). I've tried to override this but seems that it doesn't work that way. For the example below, I've fixed my file so that the screenshot width is 800 (i.e. set IGV.Bounds=0,0,800,480).

Run example

  • An example command getting two bam files as inputr, displayed vertically in the order put in (i.e. top panel: haplotag_tumor.bam, bottom panel: haplotag_normal.bam), is as follows.
  • Here, test/tag_haplotype.batch includes additional IGV preferences to group and color haplotagged reads, as written above.
singularity run -B /juno docker://shahcompbio/igv \
    --bam test/test_tumor.bam test/test_normal.bam \
    -r test/region.txt \
    -o test/snapshots \
    -mph 500 -od squish \
    --config test/tag_haplotype.batch
  • The regions file for the test case, test/region.txt, includes 4 lines of different regions. The number of regions in the same line will lead to a snapshot with the regions horizontally aligned. You can annotate the region with an optional final field, which you can omit.
  • Here's the content of test/region.txt and some explanation below.
8:32534767-32536767 region_of_interest
8:32534767-32536767 19:11137898-11139898 translocation
19:16780041-16782041 19:17553189-17555189 inversion
19:12874447-12876447 19:13500000-13501000 19:14461465-14463465 duplication
  1. The first region will take a 1001bp;1001bp snapshot on the region coined "region of interest", and create a png file 8-32534767-32536767.region_of_interest.tumor.png in the OUTDIR.
  2. The second region will take a 1001bp;1001bp snapshot on the two breakpoints of the translocation, and create a png file 8-32534767-32536767.19-11137898-11139898.translocation.tumor.png in the OUTDIR.
  3. The third region will take a 1001bp;1001bp snapshot on the two breakpoints of the inversion, and create a png file 19-16780041-16782041.19-17553189-17555189.inversion.tumor.png in the OUTDIR.
  4. The fourth region will take a 1001bp;1001bp;1001bp snapshot on the two breakpoints and a region inbetween, and create a png file 19-12874447-12876447.19-13500000-13501000.19-14461465-14463465.duplication.tumor.png in the OUTDIR.
  • You can see that the png files in OUTDIR includes .tumor as a suffix. This is because the default TAG of the --tag / -t option is "tumor". You can set it to "None" to omit tagging the suffix.

Example results

  • You can see the IGV snapshots already taken using the script above in test/snapshots.
  1. region_of_interest
  2. translocation
  3. inversion
  4. duplication


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