Releases: shaenr/bandcamp-flac-get
bandcamp-flac-get (bcfg) v1.0.1 (Windows)
Windows exe built with PyInstaller.
Supports command line execution of the exe from PowerShell or cmd.exe
Do not use an admin privileged shell.
unzip the file to a folder
open powershell
navigate to the folder using cd C:\path\to\the\unzipped\bandcamp_flac_get
make a text file (mine is albums.txt
) in the folder and put all your bandcamp album links in it, one album link per line
view the help with the command line options with ./bandcamp_flac_get.exe -h
try .\bandcamp_flac_get.exe --albums-txt albums.txt --chrome "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -f mp3
except use your chrome binary path, use your txt file name, and pick what format you want.
Do not just double click on the exe, for right now that will do nothing.
Currently the settings config file is inaccessible to the exe version so this command interface is the way it works for now.
bandcamp-flac-get (bcfg) v0.1
Linux version supports Chrome and Chromium