This repo contains codes needed for embedding and searching using various embedding models (Openai, Jina, pytorch model). Main scripts are the following:
: The Embedder class is used to handle clients for different
: CLI tool that retrieves embedding from GPT embedding API with multiprocessing. XXX can be "GPT", "Jina" or "MiniCPM"
: builds FAISS index on the embedding vectors, uses IVFPQ and reservior
: builds text data into SQLite
: CLI tool that search a user query within the builded embedding data.
The general workflow looks like this
For GPT and Jina related service, API key is needed. Save your API key in .env
in the same folder with the script, it should look like
# you can have keys to different API
OPENAI_API_KEY=<your openai key>
JINAAI_API_KEY=<your jinaai key>
The full testing data set is Amazon Fine Food Review.
retrieves embedding from GPT embedding API using text-embedding-3-small
model, which transform input strings into a float vector of 1572 elements. The embedded data will have added embedding
column. -h
usage: [-h] -i INPUT_FILE -o OUTPUT_FILE [--out_format {csv,tsv}] [-c COLUMNS [COLUMNS ...]] [--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE] [--minimize] [--process PROCESS]
Generate GPT embeddings for text data.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
Path to the input file, accepts .csv or .txt with tab as separator.
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
Path to the output file.
--out_format {csv,tsv}
Output format: 'csv' or 'tsv' (default: csv).
-c COLUMNS [COLUMNS ...], --columns COLUMNS [COLUMNS ...]
Column names to combine.
--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE
Number of rows to load into memory at a time. By default whole file will be load into the memory.
--minimize Minimize output to only the combined and embedding columns.
--process PROCESS Number of processes to call. Default will be 1 process per vCPU.
An example to run on small sample:
python -i data/Reviews_1k.csv -o test_embedding_1k.csv --out_format csv -c Summary Text --chunk_size 500
To search for similarity in small embedding data (<10k rows) use
, FAISS index and SQL db is not needed for this method. If .env is not in the same folder, specify the path with --env
. Currently supports only API embedding methods
# use GPT embedding method
python3 -q 'I love eating ice cream!' -f "embedding_1k.csv" -n 3 --api openai
This method will go through every line and finds the top-n similar vectors to retreive.
For larger data where brute force search is not possible,
can be used to build FAISS index using IVFPQ method. This will significantly reduce the size to query on as well as the query time. The text data should be stored with
to reduce the storage size and search speed.
When building a FAISS index, selecting the correct parameters is crucial for balancing accuracy and performance. Below are some guidelines for choosing the parameters used in the script:
usage: [-h] [--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE] [--file_path FILE_PATH] [--out_path OUT_PATH]
[--nrow NROW] [--nlist NLIST] [--dimension DIMENSION] [--nsubvec NSUBVEC] [--nbits NBITS]
[--resvoir_sample RESVOIR_SAMPLE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE
Size of each chunk. If the data is too large to cluster all at once, use this and
resvoir_sample to cluster the data in chunks
--file_path FILE_PATH, -i FILE_PATH
Path to the data file
--out_path OUT_PATH, -o OUT_PATH
Path to the output file
--nrow NROW Number of rows in the data file, needed only if the data is loaded in chunks
--nlist NLIST Number of Voronoi cells to divide. lower this increases accuracy, decreases speed. Default is
Dimension of the embeddings, will use the dimension of the first embedding if not provided
--nsubvec NSUBVEC Number of subvectors divide the embeddings into, dimension must be divisible by nsubvec
--nbits NBITS Number of bits for clustering, default is 8
--resvoir_sample RESVOIR_SAMPLE
Perform Reservoir Sampling to draw given number of samples to cluster. By default is no
sampling. Must use sampling if the chunk_size is provided)
: The number of elements in a single vector. 1536 fortext-embedding-3-small
and 3072 fortext-embedding-3-large
. This number can be specified when calling embedding models. -
: This parameter determines the number of rows read from the CSV file at a time. A larger chunk size can speed up the reading process but requires more memory. Adjust based on your system's memory capacity. -
: This parameter represents the number of Voronoi cells (clusters) to divide the data into. It is calculated as the square root of the number of rows (nrow).- Higher nlist: Increases accuracy but decreases search speed.
- Lower nlist: Decreases accuracy but increases search speed.
- Guideline: Start with
nlist = int(sqrt(nrow))
and adjust based on your accuracy and performance needs.
: This parameter is the number of sub-vectors into which each vector is divided. It must be a divisor of the vector dimension (dimension).- Higher nsubvec: Increases the granularity of the quantization, which can improve accuracy but also increases the complexity and memory usage.
- Lower nsubvec: Reduces the granularity, which can decrease accuracy but also reduces complexity and memory usage.
- Guideline: Ensure
dimension % nsubvec == 0
. Common choices are powers of 2 (e.g., 16, 32, 64).
: This parameter determines the number of bits used for each sub-vector. It affects the number of centroids (clusters) each sub-vector can be quantized into, which is 2^nbits.- Higher nbits: Increases the number of centroids, improving accuracy but also increasing memory usage and computational complexity.
- Lower nbits: Decreases the number of centroids, reducing memory usage and computational complexity but also decreasing accuracy.
- Guideline: Common choices are 8 or 16 bits. Start with 8 bits and adjust based on your accuracy and performance requirements.
For a dataset with 568,428 rows and a vector dimension of 1536:
: 10,000 (adjust based on memory capacity)nlist
: 754 (calculated as int(sqrt(568428)))nsubvec
: 96 (ensure it divides 1536 evenly)nbits
: 8 (start with 8 and adjust if necessary)
After building the faiss index, it is also needed to build text data into a SQL database to accelerate retrival speed.
(will add more detail later)
This script provides a command-line interface (CLI) for performing a FAISS-based search on a SQLite database.
python -h
usage: [-h] [--query QUERY] [--db DB] [--index INDEX] [--top TOP] [--verbose]
Faiss Search CLI
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--query QUERY, -q QUERY
Query string
--db DB Database file path
--index INDEX, -x INDEX
Index file path
--top TOP, -n TOP Number of results to return (default: 5)
--verbose, -v Print verbose output
The function takes 3 required arguments:
: A single string to be searched within the database.--db
: Path to the SQL database.--index/-x
: Path to the FAISS IVFPQ index.
The --verbose/-v
option will return a human-readable texts (the example output in the flowchart), disabling the -v
option will print the result line by line, which are easier to be read by other scripts.
Here's an example usage to search for a random query with pre-built database Reviews.db
and IVFPQ index IVFPQ_index.bin
python3 GPT_embedding/ --query "Recommand me some spicy chinese food\n" --db /path/to/Reviews.db --index /path/to/IVFPQ_index.bin --top 5 -v
The testing data Amazon Fine Food Review have 568428 rows, and size of 290M.
The testing data after embedding is 19G in size.
The IVFPQ index is around 60M, the SQLite database is around 300M (with just 1 row of combined columns)
568428 rows / 19.5G = 29150.1538 row/G
To run with 3G of RAM and 12 processes (via multiprocessing), the chunksize
parameter should no greater than
29150.1538 row/G * 3 G = 87450 rows/proc
While in practice this number can be set at most 1/2 of the maximum, to allow worst situations. Here's an example code to build embedding for testing data on server
nohup python3 GPT_embedding/ -i GPT_embedding/Reviews_1k.csv -o /disk3/GPT_embedding_output/Reviews_embedding.csv --out_format csv -c Summary Text --chunk_size 10000 --process 12 > process.log 2>&1 &
This will call the script to run in background. To see all the processes that are running, use
ps aux | grep
## To kill all the processes running
ps aux | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
You can occasionally check the progress by checking the tail of process.log
tail -n 50 process.log