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Serverless Component Updater

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Serverless Components Dependencies Updater


$ npm install @slsplus/serverless-updater --g


This will auto update dependencies in serverless component src directory, then commit to github and publish to registry.

$ slsup --auto-push --auto-publish


  -v, --version                     output the current version
  -c, --component <component name>  component name, multi component use `,` to connect
  -p, --path <path>                 path to component or parent directory for multi updating
  -s, --source <source>             source code directory name (default: "src")
  -m, --multi                       whether update multi components (default: false)
  -f, --filter <matches>            Include only package names matching the given string, comma-delimited list, or /regex/.
  -ct, --commit-type <type>         Commit type: fix,feat,chore (default: "fix")
  -aps, --auto-push                 whether auto push to github (default: false)
  -apb, --auto-publish              whether auto publish component (default: false)
  -fpb, --force-publish             whether force to publish component (default: false)
  -h, --help                        display help for command


All git commit mesage must follow below syntax:

type(scope?): subject  #scope is optional

support type:

  • feat: add new feature
  • fix: fix bug or patch feature
  • ci: CI
  • chore: modify config, nothing to do with production code
  • docs: create or modifiy documents
  • refactor: refactor project
  • revert: revert
  • test: test

Most of time, we just use feat and fix.


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