This plugin allow to open one MS/TP port from within WarpScript, and poll values from several devices on the bus.
Behind the hood, it uses BACnet4J (GPL licence), so this plugin is also released in GPL.
There is very very very few documentation for BACnet4J, so the code is based on these examples: 1 2. If you're looking for BACnet4J resources, you can also consider this wrapper. Because BACnet4J is so painful it needs a wrapper...
The plugin is designed to handle only one MS/TP BACNet port for the moment.
Once opened, the port is monitored by the plugin. If the serial port is disconnected, it will be closed within 10 seconds.
If you call BACnetOpenLocalDevice
several times without checking the
port is opened (with BACnetIsOpened
), you will close and re-initialize the port.
Feel free to contribute to add multiple networks or BACnet over IP!
Open port, read parameters.
// @endpoint http://localhost:8080/api/v0/exec
BACnetIsOpened ! // if not already opened...
'port' '/dev/ttyUSB1'
'baudrate' 19200
'databits' 8
'stopbits' 1
'parity' 'none'
} BACnetOpenLocalDevice // do not returns anything. Only one MS/TP network is supported.
// Feel free to contribute for multiple ports or IP :)
%> IFT
// note : if the port is unplugged, it will be detected and safely closed within 10 seconds
// by the plugin.
// open device #620001 with a 15000 millisecond timeout
620001 15000 BACnetOpenRemoteDevice 'remoteDevice' STORE
true 'showAllBacnetProperties' STORE
"CurrentTemperatureZ1" "analogValue" 101 BACnetBuildObjectId
"CurrentSetPointZ1" "analogValue" 102 BACnetBuildObjectId
"CurrentTemperatureZ2" "analogValue" 201 BACnetBuildObjectId
"CurrentSetPointZ2" "analogValue" 202 BACnetBuildObjectId
} $showAllBacnetProperties BACnetReadObjects
Example to write parameters:
// set AV60 to 1.0
"analogValue" 60 BACnetBuildObjectId
// set MV2 to 2
"multiStateValue" 2 BACnetBuildObjectId
// set BV 1107 to inactive
"binaryValue" 1107 BACnetBuildObjectId
Check examples folder for more.
Then compile, copy the jar and config file to the right place, and restart Warp 10:
./gradlew shadowJar
mv -f build/libs/warp10-plugin-bacnet.jar /opt/warp10/lib/
cp io.warp10.plugins-bacnet-plugin.conf /opt/warp10/etc/conf.d/
sudo systemctl restart warp10.service