#Docker in Docker Shipyard project
- git checkout swarm-mode
- In the following lines change "/home/pieter/projecten/shipyard:/shipyard" to the correct path of your shipyard repo.
- docker build . -f dind-compose.dockerfile -t dind
- docker run -it --privileged -v "/home/pieter/projecten/shipyard:/shipyard" -p "3000:3000" --name dind dind
- In a new terminal tab:
- docker exec dind docker-compose -f shipyard/docker-compose.dev.yml up
- Browse to http://localhost:3000
- log in with admin:shipyard
- git checkout master *In the following lines change "/home/pieter/projecten/shipyard:/shipyard" to the correct path of your shipyard repo.
- docker build . -f dind-compose.dockerfile -t dind
- docker run -it --privileged -v "/home/pieter/projecten/shipyard:/shipyard" -p "8000:8000" --name dind dind
- In a new terminal tab:
- docker exec dind docker-compose -f shipyard/docker-compose.yml up
- Browse to http://localhost:8000
- log in with admin:shipyard