A simple three button USB keyboard to quickly automate, well, whatever.
- Service desk interaction statistics (easy, medium, hard)
- 'Call for backup' buttons (more staff, reference librarian, security)
- Patron-facing 'how did we do?' (😃, 😞, 😡)
The device connects via USB to a workstation (any OS will do). Simulating a human interface device (HID), it sends keystrokes to the workstation, which listens using any of the myriad hotkey solutions out there. It is the job of the hotkey program to trigger the desired effect when per button.
- Teensy 2.0 ($15.95)
- Large Arcade Button x3 ($5.95 each)
- USB A/MiniB cable ($2.95)
- Wire
- Solder
- A case to put it all in
TODO: circuit diagram
- save to local file/mapped network drive
- Locally developed API
- Google Sheets API
- Phant
- Thingspeak
- Awesome Button
- Ribaric, T. & Younker, J. (2013). Arduino-enabled Patron Interaction Counting. Code4Lib Journal, Issue 20, 2013-04-17. http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/8200.