⚡️ Keyboard, Mouse & Gamepad Input ⚡️ Debug Information ⚡️ Texturing ⚡️ Lighting & Shadows ⚡️ Normal Mapping ⚡️ Custom 3D Model Rendering ⚡️ Skybox ⚡️ Post Processing ⚡️ Bloom ⚡️ HDR ⚡️ Skeletal Animation ⚡️ Particle System ⚡️ Text Rendering ⚡️ Collision Detection and Physics ⚡️ Space Partitioning ⚡️ Cameras, CameraPaths and Springarms ⚡️ WYSIWYG Editor GUI ⚡️ Hierarchies ⚡️ Archetypes and Prefabs ⚡️ UI System ⚡️ State Machines & Control Flow ⚡️ 3D Audio ⚡️ Background Audio ⚡️ Multithreading
⚡️ SSAO ⚡️ Deffered Shading ⚡️ Cutscene Editor ⚡️ Node Editor
- Clone the repository
- Open and build using Visual Studio 2023
- ImGui - Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++.
- FMOD - Audio Library.
- Assimp - A library to import and export various 3d-model-formats including scene-post-processing to generate missing render data.