-- import "github.com/sebcat/store"
concurrency-safe file-backed element store
- Asynchronous writes (errors reported on next action)
- Optional cache with LRU eviction on either
store insertion or store retrieval
To avoid a lot of casting from store.Element on Store#Get, you should probably write a wrapper around this element store for each type you intend to use it for.
Pull requests welcome
var (
ErrAlreadyExists = errors.New("element already exists in store")
ErrDoesNotExist = errors.New("element not present in store")
type Cache interface {
// update (insert, promote) an element in the cache
// retrieve an Element from the cache, or nil if non-existant
Get(id ElementID) Element
type CacheMode int
Tells the store when to pass an element to the cache
const (
CacheOnGet CacheMode = (1 << 0)
CacheOnPut = (1 << 1)
type Element interface {
// load an element from a reader
Load(io.Reader) error
// store an element to a writer
Store(io.Writer) error
// must return a file-system safe ID
// the two first letters of ID will be
// used to create directories and the
// complete ID string will be used as
// a file name
ID() ElementID
type ElementID uint64
func (id *ElementID) FromString(str string) error
func (id ElementID) String() string
type LRUCache struct {
cache with LRU eviction policy
func NewLRUCache(size int) *LRUCache
create a new cache with room for 'size' elements
func (l *LRUCache) Cache(el Element)
update (insert, promote) an element in the cache
func (l *LRUCache) Get(id ElementID) Element
retrieve an element from the cache, or nil if the element is not in cache
type Store struct {
func New(path string) (*Store, error)
func (s *Store) Get(element Element) (Element, error)
retrieve an Element either from cache or from disk. If retrieved from cache, the cache Element will be returned. If retrieved from disk, the Element passed to Get will be loaded with the data from disk. Therefor, this function should always be called like:
var el = SomeElement{ID: someID}
ret, err := s.Get(&el)
func (s *Store) Has(id ElementID) bool
func (s *Store) Put(el Element) error
func (s *Store) Remove() error
func (s *Store) SetCache(c Cache, mode CacheMode)
func (s *Store) Sync()