- Dependencies of Sylvan.
- Graphviz for visualization of BNs (optional)
- Python + packages in requirements.txt
On Ubuntu these can be installed with:
# make sure the Sylvan submodule is cloned
git submodule update --init
# install Sylvan dependencies
sudo apt install cmake cmake-data build-essential
sudo apt install libgmp-dev
# install Graphviz (optional)
sudo apt install graphviz graphviz-dev
# create a virtual environment (optional)
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# install dependencies TODO: update requirements.txt inc. version numbers
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Clone the repo (including submodules)
- Compilation has been tested with GCC/G++ 10. It might work with different version, but gcc/g++ version can be set with the following (though paths could be different).
$ export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-10
$ export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-10
- To compile everything, run
$ ./compile_sources.sh
To generate all Bayesian networks of a specific distribution type in .csv
format and settings .json
, run
$ python scripts/generate_bn.py <distribution>
Distributions can be lg
(Linear Gaussian 9-19), lgS
(Linear Gaussian generated by Sobolt sequences 101-125), nm
(Normal Mixture 1-8), causalq
(causal quadratic), or lalonde
To discretize a Bayesian network and convert to .cnf
or .net
format (depending on chosen output type) and settings .json
, run
$ python scripts/discretize_bn.py <model> <discretization_method> <bins> --target_variable=<target_var> --output_type={cnf,xmlbif,net} --CPT_method={MLE,Bayes,Bayespriors}
where the model names correspond with the folder name. For example:
$ python scripts/generate_bn.py lg
$ python scripts/discretize_bn.py lg18 EV 30 --CPT_method=MLE
$ python scripts/generate_bn.py causalq
$ python scripts/discretize_bn.py causal_quadratic1 MDLP 2 --CPT_method=Bayespriors --target_variable='Y'
By default the discretization scripts returns the .cnf
files necessary to build the BDD and do inference
To turn a Bayesian network in .xmlbif
format into a CNF formula, run
$ ./dd_inference/build/analyze_bn <models/model_name>
For example:
$ ./dd_inference/build/analyze_bn models/linear_gaussian18MLE/data_lg_EV30
$ ./dd_inference/build/analyze_bn models/causal_quadratic1Bayespriors/data_causal_quadratic_MDLP
The discretization and decision diagram inference scripts output a settings.json
and ddinfo.json
respectively that contains errors and runtime information.
To draw the paretofront: run the following command
$ python scripts/draw_pareto_front.py <distribution> <error_metric>
such as
$ python scripts/draw_pareto_front.py lg9 WRMSE
To run all experiments ran in the paper, one can also run the bashscript per distributions:
$ bash experiments/experiments_lg.sh
$ bash experiments/experiments_nm.sh
$ bash experiments/experiments_causalq.sh
$ bash experiments/experiments_lalonde.sh
All intermediates files for experiments are stored on GitHub except for some extremely large files resulting from the Lalonde distribution. These are stored on Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/records/10036198.