Advanced Apple Mail to Evernote is an AppleScript which exports Apple Mail messages to Evernote as part of a GTD workflow.
Original code for this script was written by Justin Lancy at and can be found here: Veritrope is the best source for Evernote AppleScripts and is where I got farmiliar with optimizing GTD workflow with scripting. By forking this awesome piece of code, my goal was to improve it by adding some features relevant to my personal GTD workflow.
- GROWL notifications as well as OSX notifications (requires OSX 10.8 and 'terminal-notifier':
- Notifications can now be disabled
- GROWL no longer needs to be installed for script to work
- Automatic archiving of processed email
- Automatic flagging of processed email
- Specify default Evernote Notebook in which to import emails
- Add tags to notes when importing