2.0.0 (2019-03-21)
Bug Fixes
ghost-buttons: fix disabled state colors (e2db50d ), closes #36
🐛 Change name of the slideout component (b51369e ), closes #34
date-picker: add margins between controls (fe23895 ), closes #27
date-picker: use small ver of btns and dropdowns at the top (971caba ), closes #27
dropdown: fix line-height (80e381f )
🎸 Breadcrumbs (7ef1a2a )
buttons: added small versions of buttons (e428214 )
date-picker: added extended variant (c393718 ), closes #27
date-picker: added mobile styles (93d2263 ), closes #27
date-picker: added scrollable variant (1e8518d ), closes #27
functions: added $base param to rem and em conversion functions (5153f47 )
icons: added .sdv-icon class (9e1f94d )
input-fields: added small versions of common input fields (c64b7b3 )
toggle-button: added support for icons (c6124bb ), closes #24
The css class has changed name to sdv-slideout
. The mixin has changed
name to vanilla-slideout
You can’t perform that action at this time.