This module is now unsupported by Puppetlabs. It is replaced by the upstream version at http://forge.puppetlabs.com/jfryman/nginx which is a much improved version of this module. It's had many new featured and abilities merged in and is a true superset of this module. Please adjust your Modulefile's and other resources to use it instead.
You can add jfryman's version as a git upstream remote by doing:
$ git remote add jfryman https://github.com/jfryman/puppet-nginx.git $ git fetch jfryman
You can view a list of release tags at:
You can then merge his into yours:
<<<<<<< HEAD
node default { class { 'nginx': } nginx::resource::vhost { 'www.puppetlabs.com': ensure => present, www_root => '/var/www/www.puppetlabs.com', } }
Add a Proxy Server(s)
node default { class { 'nginx': } nginx::resource::upstream { 'puppet_rack_app': ensure => present, members => [ 'localhost:3000', 'localhost:3001', 'localhost:3002', ], } nginx::resource::vhost { 'rack.puppetlabs.com': ensure => present, proxy => 'http://puppet_rack_app', } }
Add a proxy Server using Hiera:
--- classes: - 'nginx' nginx::resource_upstreams: puppet_rack_app: ensure: 'present' members: - 'localhost:3000' - 'localhost:3001' - 'localhost:3002' nginx::resource_vhosts: rack.puppetlabs.com: ensure: 'present' proxy: 'http://puppet_rack_app'
======= $ git merge jfryman v0.0.5