Sound Labyrinth is a video game developed by Kyle Bertram, Timothy Novak, and SeungU Lyu for the Olin college course software design during the fall semester of 2019. Sound Labyrinth aims to provide the same experience through audio and/or visual feedback, so that the game can be played by people with varying levels of audio and visual perception. The game aims to provide the same experience to users who are visually impaired, audially impaired or who have no audio/visual impairments because the game can be played using audio, visual, or combined input. For a more detailed description of our plans for this project please see our website
Please visit our website for more detailed installation instructions This game uses several libraries the Pygame library, version 1.9.6. In order to run the scripts and handle the audio, you'll need to install Pygame, Pyttsx3, and Libespeak1. Do this by running the following commands in Terminal:
pip install pygame
pip install pyttsx3
sudo apt install libespeak1
To install this game, download this repository using the clone or download button on the right side of the page.
The game can be run by running the following command in Terminal: