Use this image at your own risk. This image is designed for the ease of use and therefore sacrifice quite some security concern. For example, it has an unprotected jupyter lab instance running with shell access. In addition, the donkeycar console installed accept any web or mobile client to connect without a password. This may be enhanced in the future but it is what it is now.
- Pre-installed Donkey Car Software
- Support Donkey Car mobile app
- Supports RPI4B
- Supports Robohat MM1
- Built-in wifi hotspot
- Pre-installed librealsense and pyrealsense2
- Jupyter Lab
Date | Platform | Donkeycar version | Download |
2021-02-04 | Raspberry Pi 4B / Buster | v4 | Download |
2020-10-14 | Raspberry Pi 4B / Buster | v3 | Download |
2020-07-18 | Raspberry Pi 4B / Buster | v3 | Download |
- username: pi
- password: raspberry
sudo git clone /opt/donkeycar-images
sudo ln -s donkey-init.service /etc/systemd/system/donkey-init.service
Add the following lines after you execute sudo crontab -e
* * * * * /opt/donkeycar-images/
* * * * * /home/pi/env/bin/python /opt/donkeycar-images/ 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t low-battery-protector
This image is installed with Raspap. To login the Raspap portal, visit
with the following credentials:
- username: admin
- password: secret
A hotspot is automatically available if there is no active wireless connection.
The hotspot name is determined by /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
, which is
updated by a script located in /usr/local/sbin/
first boot.
This script will use the prefix donkey-
and the last 6 character of the
hardware mac address to create the hotspot. You can change this hotspot name to
something else by editing the file or using the Raspap portal.
The script
is a cron job run by root. It turns off the
hotspot when there is an active wireless connection. Similiarly, it turns on the
hotspot when there is no wireless connection.
pip install jupyterlab
sudo systemctl enable jupyter-lab.service
Description = JupyterLab
PIDFile = /run/
ExecStart = /home/pi/env/bin/jupyter-lab
User = pi
Group = pi
WorkingDirectory = /home/pi
WantedBy =
The reset script will reset the current system to a clean state.
# Run either one of the following command
v4 branch: robocarstore_v4
v3 branch: robocar_dev
branch: dev
If you intend to use this project for making money, you must obtain our consent before you do so. Contact us at [email protected]
- Update donkey car to v4.2.0
- Compatible with Donkey Car Controller 1.3.2
- Single python venv at /home/pi/env. Both donkey console and donkey car software use this venv.
- Update donkey car to v3.1.5
- Update to latest donkeycar-console
- Fine tune value
- Install Google Coral Edgetpu library
- Installed jupyter lab as a service
- Installed ffmpeg and keras-vis
apt-get install ffmpeg
pip install git+
- Installed donkey console v2 under ~/
- Installed donkey console as systemd service
- Rename init script to
- Added ~/donkey.cfg for config reset
- will rename hostname when DONKEY_RESET=True in donkey.cfg
- will reset wpa_supplicant.conf
- Change raspap country to US and use 5Ghz
- Install to crontab
- Performed OS upgrade
- Removed vim
- Added librealsense support (build 2.33.1)
- Enabled serial port for MM1 and installed pyserial
- Upgraded pip to 20.0.2
- Installed vim
- Adopted