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In this workshop we're going to cover .NET, Azure, GitHub, and Bicep.

This workshop will highlight the following:

  • Health Checks
  • Zero Downtime Deployments
  • Infrastructure managed by code using Bicep
  • Automated builds and deploys
  • WhatIf on PRs for Infrastructure Changes
  • Follows Azure Naming Standards for naming resources
  • Version Endpoint so you know what's deployed



  1. .NET 8
  2. Git
  3. GitHub Account
  4. Tell Scott the following:
    • Email you will use for Azure
    • GitHub account
    • GitHub repo name
      • Should be the same as this one: workshop-dotnet-azure-github-bicep
  5. Recommended to use VS Code with the Bicep extension for editing Bicep
  6. Fork this repo

Module 1 - Review Azure Slides

  1. What is a Subscription?
  2. What is a Resource Group?
  3. What is Azure App Service?
  4. What is Azure App Service Plan?

Module 2 - Live Demo of Running Azure App Service

  1. Lay of the land
    1. Each of you have 2 Resource Groups for Dev + Prod where you are a Contributor
    2. Each of you have a Federated Credential behind each RG where it's Contributor that's authed to your repo
      1. This is the user Bicep will run under
    3. Each of you have Reader access to two already deployed Dev and Prod Resource Groups with App Services in them so you can follow along
  2. View Subscription
    1. View Costs
    2. Set Cost Alerts
    3. Budgets
    4. Access Control (IAM)
    5. Resource Groups
  3. View Resource Group
    1. See all resources at a glance
    2. Access Control (IAM)
    3. Deployments
    4. Costs
    5. Go to App Service Plan
  4. App Service Plan
    1. Show CPU, Memory, Network
    2. Show RG
    3. Show Scale Up and Scale Out
    4. Show Apps
  5. View Home Page of an App Service
    1. Home Page, Stop, Restart
    2. RG + Subscription
    3. Location
    4. Default Domain
    5. OS
    6. Health Check
    7. Show Configuration
    8. Show Custom Domains
    9. Show Certificates
    10. Log Stream
    11. Advanced Tools (Kudu)
      1. Bash Terminal
      2. File System
      3. Logs
    12. Deployment Slots
  6. We have the same for each env - Dev and Prod
    1. How do we do that without clicking those same settings everywhere... enter Bicep
  7. Show the Version Endpoint
  8. Make some change and deploy it, watch it go through the AzurePing service

Module 3 - Review Bicep Slides

Module 4 - Bicep Hands On

  1. Delete your .github folder and your infrastructure folder and commit and push that code. This history is here for reference in case you get stuck.

  2. Create a new folder called infrastructure

  3. Create a appservice.bicep file

  4. Create a Linux App Service Plan resource

       resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2022-09-01' = {
          name: 'asp-dnazghbicep-'PUTYOURUSERNAMEHERE'-dev'
          location: 'centralus'
          sku: {
            name: 'S1'
          kind: 'linux'
          properties: {
            reserved: true
  5. Next create an App Service resource, by referencing the App Service Plan's ID (note replace the ???? with the reference's ID)

     resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-09-01' = {
        name: 'app-dnazghbicep-'PUTYOURUSERNAMEHERE'-dev'
        location: 'centralus'
        identity: {
         type: 'SystemAssigned'
        properties: {
           serverFarmId: ????
           httpsOnly: true
           siteConfig: {
             http20Enabled: true
             linuxFxVersion: 'DOTNETCORE|8.0'
             alwaysOn: true
             ftpsState: 'Disabled'
             minTlsVersion: '1.2'
             webSocketsEnabled: true
             healthCheckPath: '/api/healthz'
             requestTracingEnabled: true
             detailedErrorLoggingEnabled: true
             httpLoggingEnabled: true
  6. Add the environment variables for the app service, by referencing the app service object itself (note replace the ???? with the reference)

        resource appSettings 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config@2022-09-01' = {
          name: 'appsettings'
          kind: 'string'
          parent: appService
          properties: {
              ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT: 'dev'
  7. Add the App Service Slot. Note: there's a lot of duplication in the properties... maybe we should do something about that?

       resource appServiceSlot 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots@2022-09-01' = {
          location: 'centralus'
          parent: appService
          name: 'slot'
          identity: {
              type: 'SystemAssigned'
          properties: {
              httpsOnly: true
              siteConfig: {
                 http20Enabled: true
                 linuxFxVersion: 'DOTNETCORE|8.0'
                 alwaysOn: true
                 ftpsState: 'Disabled'
                 minTlsVersion: '1.2'
                 webSocketsEnabled: true
                 healthCheckPath: '/api/healthz'
                 requestTracingEnabled: true
                 detailedErrorLoggingEnabled: true
                 httpLoggingEnabled: true
  8. Add the environment variables for the app service slot, by referencing the app service object itself (note replace the ???? with the reference)

     resource appServiceSlotSetting 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/config@2022-09-01' = {
       name: 'appsettings'
       kind: 'string'
       parent: appServiceSlot
       properties: {
  9. Review the code and identify duplication

  10. If you're in VS Code, you're getting a warning for the location not being parameterized. Add a parameter below and then replace all the 'centralus' with a reference to that parameter:

     param location string
     // replace centralus with location everywhere
  11. If you look closely for duplication you'll see we have "dev" repeated a lot, let's parameterize that too, because we'll want to swap that out for the word "prod" later. Also restrict the values to only allow 'dev' and 'prod'

      @allowed(['dev', 'prod'])
      param environment string
      // replace dev with environment everywhere. Note: ${variableName} is how you do concatenation
  12. If you look closely for more duplication, you'll see we have the app name repeated in both the appService and appServicePlan. Extract that out to a parameter

     param appName string
     // down in the appServicePlan replace the name so it looks like this:
     resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2022-09-01' = {
       name: 'asp-${appName}-${environment}'
       // the rest
     // down in the appService replace the name so it looks like this:
     resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-09-01' = {
       name: 'app-${appName}-${environment}'
       // the rest
  13. Finally, if you look closely you'll see one last bit of duplication. The properties between the appService and the appServiceSlot. Let's extract out those properties to a variable and assign it in one place

       // This is reused between the App Service and the Slot
       var appServiceProperties = {
           httpsOnly: true
           siteConfig: {
             http20Enabled: true
             linuxFxVersion: 'DOTNETCORE|8.0'
             alwaysOn: true
             ftpsState: 'Disabled'
             minTlsVersion: '1.2'
             webSocketsEnabled: true
             healthCheckPath: '/api/healthz'
             requestTracingEnabled: true
             detailedErrorLoggingEnabled: true
             httpLoggingEnabled: true
       // Assign it in the appService and the appServiceSlot
       resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-09-01' = {
          // the rest
          properties: appServiceProperties
       resource appServiceSlot 'Microsoft.Web/sites/slots@2022-09-01' = {
          // the rest
          properties: appServiceProperties
  14. Awesome! We now have a reusable Module that also enforces our naming standards that follow the Azure Guidelines with the asp- prefix for App Service plans and app- for App Services.

  15. Now we need to pass some values to those parameters. So let's create a main.bicep file

  16. Provide a targetScope of 'resourceGroup' for the main.bicep module

     targetScope = 'resourceGroup'
  17. Now reference the appservice.bicep module you just created and pass the parameters to it

     module app './appservice.bicep' = {
       name: 'appservice'
       params: {
         appName: 'workshop-dnazghbicep-'YOURUSERNAMEHERE''
         environment: ???
         location: 'centralus'
  18. Crap - where does the environment come from? I want to pass that in dynamically depending on dev or prod. Enter .bicepparam files (these will be passed in dynamically via the CLI)

  19. Add a parameter for environment and only allow 'dev' and 'prod' as values then reference that environment below in the app module

     @allowed(['dev', 'prod'])
     param environment string
     targetScope = 'resourceGroup'
     module app './appservice.bicep' = {
       name: 'appservice'
       params: {
         appName: 'workshop-dnazghbicep-'YOURUSERNAMEHERE''
         environment: environment
         location: 'centralus'
  20. Under the infrastructure folder, create a folder called environments.

  21. Create a dev.bicepparam file with the following contents

      using '../main.bicep'
      param environment = 'dev'
  22. The using tells the bicepparam file what parameters are required. Try taking away the param environment = 'dev' and see what happens if you're in VS Code with the Bicep Extension. You will receive an error.

    Bicep Params

  23. Now add back param environment ='dev' but switch 'dev' to 'qa' or some other invalid value. You will see an error like this if you use VS Code.

    Bicep Params

  24. That's it! We now have Bicep ready to be configured... but crap... how do we deploy it?? πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Module 5 - GitHub Actions Review Slides

Module 6 - GitHub Actions Review Slides

  1. If it doesn't already exist, create a folder called .github and then workflows under that folder.

  2. Create 6 new secrets based on the email you received at the beginning of this workshop. These secrets will be used to authenticate to Azure. If this wasn't in place, you wouldn't be able to talk to your Azure account, because Azure doesn't just let anyone in.

    1. Go to your Repo out in GitHub
    2. Click on Settings
    3. Click on Secrets and Variables
    4. Click on Actions
    5. Click New Repository Secret
    6. For secret name type DEV_AZURE_CLIENT_ID
    7. For the value paste in the value from the Dev value in the email
    8. Hit Add Secret
    11. Note - the Subscription ID and the Tenant ID are the same. That is just for Workshop demo purposes. In a real world scenario the Subscription ID should be different.
  3. Create a ci.yml file that looks like this. Note to replace the "" with your GH username

    name: CI - Deploy App and Bicep
        branches: [main]
      id-token: write
      pull-requests: write
      contents: read
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        name: Build, Test, Upload Artifact
          - name: Checkout repo
            uses: actions/checkout@v1
          - name: Run dotnet test
            run: |
              dotnet test -c Release
          - name: Run dotnet publish
            run: |
              dotnet publish ./src/WorkshopDemo/WorkshopDemo.csproj -c Release -o ./publish
          - name: Update version file with GHA run number and git short SHA
            run: echo $(date +'%Y%m%d.%H%M').${{github.run_number}}-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) > publish/version.txt
          - name: Upload artifact
            uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
              name: dotnet-artifact
              path: publish/
        needs: build_and_test
        uses: ./.github/workflows/step-deploy.yml
          env: dev
          artifact_name: dotnet-artifact
          resource_group_name: rg-workshop-dnazghbicep-<YOURUSERNAMEHERE>-dev
          app_service_name: app-workshop-dnazghbicep-<YOURUSERNAMEHERE>-dev
          app_service_slot_name: slot
        # Note: use GH Environment Secrets if using a Pro/Enterprise version of GH
          azure_client_id: ${{ secrets.DEV_AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
          azure_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.DEV_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
          azure_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.DEV_AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
        needs: dev
        uses: ./.github/workflows/step-deploy.yml
          env: prod
          artifact_name: dotnet-artifact
          resource_group_name: rg-workshop-dnazghbicep-<YOURUSERNAMEHERE>-prod
          app_service_name: app-workshop-dnazghbicep-<YOURUSERNAMEHERE>-prod
          app_service_slot_name: slot
        # Note: use GH Environment Secrets if using a Pro/Enterprise version of GH
          azure_client_id: ${{ secrets.PROD_AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
          azure_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.PROD_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
          azure_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.PROD_AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
  4. Note the needs in this workflow where the dev job needs build_and_test and the prod job needs dev. That indicates the jobs should be ran sequentially and not in parallel. Specifically in the order of build_and_test => dev => prod

  5. We now need to create the reusable step in the step-deploy.yml to reduce duplication. Create a step-deploy.yml under the .github/workflows folder and enter in this data:

    name: "Step - Deploy"
            required: true
            type: string
            required: true
            type: string
            required: true
            type: string
            required: true
            type: string
            required: true
            type: string
            required: true
            description: "Client ID for Azure Service Principal"
            required: true
            description: "Azure Subscription ID for the targeted Resource Group"
            required: true
            description: "Azure Tenant ID for the targeted Resource Group"
        name: Deploy to Azure App Service
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          - name: Log in to Azure
            uses: azure/login@v1
              client-id: ${{ secrets.azure_client_id }}
              tenant-id: ${{ secrets.azure_tenant_id }}
              subscription-id: ${{ secrets.azure_subscription_id }}
          - name: Run Bicep
            run: |
              az deployment group create \
                --name ${{ inputs.env }}-deployment-${{ github.run_number }} \
                --template-file infrastructure/main.bicep \
                --parameters infrastructure/environments/${{ inputs.env }}.bicepparam \
                --resource-group ${{ inputs.resource_group_name }} \
          - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
              name: ${{ inputs.artifact_name }}
              path: publish
          - name: Get publish profile
            id: publishprofile
            run: |
              profile=$(az webapp deployment list-publishing-profiles --resource-group ${{ inputs.resource_group_name }} --name ${{ inputs.app_service_name }} --slot ${{ inputs.app_service_slot_name }} --xml)
              echo "PUBLISH_PROFILE=$profile" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          - name: Deploy to Slot
            uses: azure/webapps-deploy@v2
              app-name: ${{ inputs.app_service_name }}
              slot-name: ${{ inputs.app_service_slot_name }}
              publish-profile: ${{ steps.publishprofile.outputs.PUBLISH_PROFILE }}
              package: publish/
          - name: Swap slots
            run: |
              az webapp deployment slot swap -g ${{ inputs.resource_group_name }} -n ${{ inputs.app_service_name }} --slot ${{ inputs.app_service_slot_name }} --target-slot production --verbose
  6. When you commit and push this code with both the action and the pipeline, your Action will trigger immediately. Go to the Actions tab in GitHub and follow its progress from Dev all the way to Production

  7. Go to your Dev App Service Plan and note that the SKU is an S1. Let's change that to an S2 and commit and push that.

  8. Go to your WeatherForecastController and get rid of all the summaries except Freezing. Then commit and push and watch it deploy.

  9. Go to your Dev App Service Slot /api/WeatherForecast URL and note that it is still changing the summaries. Whereas the main App Service /api/WeatherForecast URL is ha

  10. Take note of the /api/version endpoint and then correlate that back to the Git SHA back in GitHub. Note how in ci.yml we are setting that version and putting it in version.txt file that gets read by the application.


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  • C# 73.1%
  • Bicep 26.9%