Small tools to Raumfeld functionalities using python. With these simple tools you can control the following things in Raumfeld:
- playsettings: volume, position, pause, stop, equalizer
- rooms: list rooms
- zones: list, create, drop
- media: browse and search, play in zone
- macro operations: fade, wait for conditions (volume, position, title)
the easiest way is to use pip3 for installation
pip3 install pyfeld
Please note, it requires python3, still have to figure out that you will NOT use it with python2 and hurting you before you use it.
These examples will suppose a device called kitchen
Get some help:
pyfeld --help
Discover devices and print info of zones and rooms:
pyfeld --discover info
Same as bevor but print:
pyfeld --discover --json info
Set volume of kitchen:
pyfeld roomvolume 20 kitchen
Set volume on a zone:
pyfeld -z 1 -d setvolume 50
switch device on:
pyfeld standby off kitchen
Info for all devices:
pyfeld -d playinfo
Stop a zone:
pyfeld -z 1 stop
Browse some stuff:
pyfeld browse "0/My Music/Albums"
Play one of the browsed albums:
pyfeld play --zonewithroom kitchen "0/My Music/Albums/Frank%20Zappa+"
Check the volume in the kitchen, then set to 30%:
pyfeld --discover --zonewithroom kitchen volume
pyfeld --zonewithroom kitchen setvolume 30
Raise bass and treble, lower mids
pyfeld roomseteq kitchen 500 -100 700
Create new zone (pay attention to spaces, quote!):
pyfeld createzone kitchen "bath room" "living room"
- Drop a device from the zone it is in:
pyfeld drop "bath room"
You can do operations on specific UDN, but it should not be necessary usually.
- Retrive UDN's:
pyfeld --discover -v info
pyfeld --udn createzone uuid:f7052a34-37f6-432f-b584-837466474205
pyfeld --udn roomsetvolume uuid:f7052a34-37f6-432f-b584-837466474205 10