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File metadata and controls

455 lines (306 loc) · 28.4 KB

File Handling in Kithe

The Kithe data model consists of Collections, Works, and Assets. An Asset record represents an individual ingested file/bytestream. A Kithe::Asset instance provides access to that bytestream through it's file attribute, with an implementation using the shrine (git) attachment toolkit.

You will normally have a local model class that sub-classes Kithe::Asset. You could also have your own local inheritance hieararchy of Assets.

class Asset < Kithe::Asset
  # custom local logic

# or perhaps, up to you
class ApplicationAsset < Kithe::Asset
class AudioAsset < ApplicationAsset

Shrine is a very powerful toolkit, but it can be a bit tricky to get all the parts working together properly. Kithe sets up the Asset#file attachment with the Kithe::AssetUploader shrine uploader which has been customized with certain defaults and custom shrine plugins to give you a good and flexible out of the box experience. That is, we add a layer on top of shrine, but the custom kithe layer lies lightly, and you can almost always do anything standard shrine you'd like as well.

You should be able to use any storage location supported by shrine (and it is not too hard to write new storage adapters for shrine). But kithe has been developed ensuring that storage on S3 works, and we suggest S3 for production. For dev/test, you may want to use local file storage -- any supported shrine storage should work more or less interchangeably.

We set up file handling to do expensive work (metadata extraction, derivatives, etc) in background ActiveJob(s), although you can flexibly control this on a case by case basis.

We also ensure all configuration works well with "direct uploads" -- javascript in browser uploading directly to storage location. For instance, metadata extraction and derivative generation are configured to happen at the promotion stage (ordinarily in an ActiveJob), since the complete file will not be available earlier than that when using direct upload techniques.

See also our separate Derivatives Guide

Defining your shrine storages

Your app needs to define where files will be stored. In addition to the standard shrine store and cache locations, kithe configures derivatives to be stored in a location pointed to by key kithe_derivatives. To configure S3 storage for all three locations, you might:

# config/initializers/shrine.rb

s3_options = {
    access_key_id:     Rails.application.secrets.s3_access_key_id,
    secret_access_key: Rails.application.secrets.s3_secret_access_key,
    region:            Rails.application.secrets.s3_region,
    bucket:            Rails.application.secrets.s3_bucket
Shrine.storages = {
  cache: "cache", **s3_options),
  store: "store", **s3_options),
  kithe_derivatives: "kithe_derivatives", **s3_options)

While that example has all three storage locations in the same S3 bucket with a different prefix, you can also use entirely different S3 buckets.

If your files are all entirely public, you may want to set the public: true key:

Shrine.storages[:kithe_derivatives] = "store",
                          bucket: "some_bucket",
                          public: true,

This will make the Shrine storage upload with an S3 public ACL, and also effect the default URLs generated directly to content in S3 (to be public URLs rather than signed URLs). If you plan to serve derivatives as public content from public S3 urls, you might want to set far-future cache-control headers (as all storage locations should be unique to particular unique file), with the upload_options argument:

Shrine.storages[:kithe_derivatives] = "store",
                          bucket: "some_bucket",
                          upload_options: {
                            cache_control:  "max-age=31536000",
                            metadata_directive: "REPLACE"
                          public: true,

You can also set shrine storages to use local file system, perhaps for dev or test. You could use conditional logic to set up storages differently depending on Rails.env.

Shrine.storages = {
  cache:"public", prefix: "uploads_cache"),
  store:"public", prefix: "uploads_store"),
  kithe_derivatives:"public", prefix: "derivatives")

That example will write all content to the Rails app ./public directory, so it can be easily served without extra lgoic, but of course will have no access control. While we don't recommend doing so, if you wanted to use file system storage in production with access control, you might not want to write it to ./public.

For test, you may be interested in shrine in-memory storage.

Note on clearing "cache" storage Shrine "cache" storage, by design, fills up with files that are no longer needed. There is no way to eliminate this completely, as someone could always abandon a file without completing an ingest process. You will want to periodically remove files from "cache" storage that are older than some time (longer than should be neccessary to go through "promotion"), using S3 lifecycle rules, or via shrine API. This should not be necessary with the store or kithe_derivatives storage locations.

Some standard kithe shrine uploader logic

The Kithe::AssetUploader is a shrine uploader class that's used by default for Assets. It includes a number of shrine plugins, both standard shrine, and custom kithe plugins. Some of the things it does:

  • height/width metadata extraction for images
  • content-type/media-type analysis based on file content, not trusting filename
  • if an upload original filename has no extension, add one appropriate for determined content-type
  • set storage locations to be more convenient for manual identification and debugging
    • original files are stored at asset/#{asset_uuid_id}/#{a_unique_file_id}.suffix
    • derivatives are stored at #{asset_uuid_id}/#{derivative_key}/#{unique_file_id}.suffix

Along with custom kithe functionality documented below.

Attachment Lifecycle

Shrine uses a two-stage storage flow. All shrine attachments have a "cache" storage location which is used for files that have not yet been permanently saved, and a "store" storage location which files are moved to once the model they are attached to (in this case a Kithe::Asset) has had the attachment succesfully saved and committed to the database. (This allows a file to be somewhere in order for it or it's associated model to be validated or otherwise checked before it's permanently saved). Shrine uses the term promotion for the process of moving a file from cache to store.

If you are using "direct uploads", Javascript in the browser sends the upload to the cache location before the user has even submitted a form. Upon submitting a form, the cache location is set in the Asset model. After saving the asset model with a new cache location, promotion is triggered.

During "promotion", the file is copied to the permanent store location. In kithe, the promotion phase happens by default in a background ActiveJob, and also by default includes metadata extraction and derivative generation.

kithe adds ActiveRecord-style callbacks around promotion to the Asset class: before_promotion, after_promotion, around_promotion. If promotion is happening in a bg job, all these callbacks will be triggered within that job.

Let's outline the attachment ingest/add lifecycle again with more details:

  1. File or file location details are set on an asset

    asset.file ="something")
    # or
    asset.file = { storage: "cache", id: "path/to/file.jpg" }!
  2. After model is succesfully committed to DB (now pointing at file on "cache"), the Kithe::AssetPromoteJob is kicked off to handle promotion. You can ask asset.stored? to see if it's in permanent store location yet.

  3. before_promotion callbacks are called, and the have the opportunity cancel promotion.

    • Kithe by default has a before_promotion hook to run any defined metadata extraction.
  4. File is "promoted" to the permanent store location.

  5. If promotion was succesfully committed to the db, after_promotion callbacks are called.

    • Kithe by default has an after_promotion hook to launch a separate job to create any derivatives defined with the kithe_derivatives processor.

Attaching files

You can use any of the standard shrine methods to attach a file, and kithe provides no extra help here.

You can attach a File object by assigning to the file attribute we've used for the attachment. This is most useful in tests or batch processes, there isn't much call for it in interactive production code.

some_asset.file ="something")

In fact, you can assign any "IO-like object", which also includes the Rails/rack object in params should you have submitted a file directly to a Rails controller action. some_asset.file = params[:some_file_input_name].

In both these cases, the file is copied to your 'cache' storage inline, and some limited metadata is extracted -- copy of file to 'store' and more complete metadata extraction (including SHA fingerprints) will only be done on "promotion" after you save the model, ordinarily in a background ActiveJob triggered in an after_commit hook.

We do not recommend you submit files directly to the Rails app with an HTML file input however. It's a better UX to use a "direct upload" process (similar to what hyrax uses), where javascript sends the file directly to storage before submit. Ideally, directly to an S3 bucket without even involving your Rails app and tying up Rails app workers. You will want to have your front-end javascript store the file wherever you have configured as cache storage. Then, you can send the file location to your Rails app, and you can set it in the asset object with a hash of shrine metadata identifying the location, like so:

some_asset.file = { "storage" => "cache", "id" => "path/on/cache/storage.jpg" }

Note keys must be Strings not Symbols. You can also set to a JSON serialized String, useful so your front-end can send the hash serialized in a single hidden input.

some_asset.file = "{\"storage\":\"cache\",\"id\":\"path/on/cache/storage.jpg\"}"

Direct uploads can be a little bit tricky to implement; kithe doesn't currently provide any tools to help with the front-end implementation, although may in the future. For more information, see shrine documentation and tutorials on direct uploads:

When you are assigning a hash with existing cache location data, from a direct upload, very little is done on assignment, making it cheap and quick. After you succesfully save the model with the new assignment, "promotion" will be triggered in a background ActiveJob, from an after_commit hook, to stream the file from the remote location, extract metadata, and store.

If you have a reference to a Kithe::Asset instance, you can see if it's been promoted yet by checking its #stored? method.

In any case, when you assign and save new file information on an asset, any previous stored bytes and derivatives are automatically cleaned up for you, in a reliable and concurrency-safe fashion.

an after_commit that happens before shrine promotion?

Shrine promotes cache file to stored in an ActiveRecord after_commit hook it registers on Asset.

Sometimes you want your own after_commit hook that happens before this, at a point when Rails dirty tracking previous_changes still records the change that triggered the promotion, rather than the promotion itself. Depending on the version of Rails you are using and configuraition, this may happen anyway, or be very hard to make happen.

We give you a method to ensure a after_commit hook that happens before previously registered after_commits, that is before the Shrine promotion after_commit.

class MyAsset < Kithe::Asset
  kithe_earlier_after_commit :will_execute_before_promotion

  kithe_earlier_after_commit do
    # will execute before promotion

Reading files and file info

This is all done via entirely standard Shrine techniques.

some_asset.file will return a Shrine::UploadedFile object. It is "IO-like", you can read it like you would a file to access the bytestream, streaming bytes from the possibly remote storage. Useful methods include #stream, #open, download.

You can also access some metadata about the file; many methods are delegated from Kithe::Asset, so you can just ask for asset.size (filesize in bytes), as well as #original_filename, #content_type, #height, and #width. Most of these metadata fields are only available after "promotion" has occured, you can ask some_asset.stored? to see if promotion is complete.

Asset URLs and Delivering bytestreams to browser

You could write a controller action to return the file bytes, similar to what Hyrax does via it's DownloadController.

The shrine rack_response plugin could be used for this, making it fairly straightforward to write a delivery action -- even supporting HTTP "Range" headers. It should stream the bytes directly from your remote storage (eg S3); however, there can be some difficulties in making sure Rails is streaming and not buffering. And even in the best case, you are still keeping a Rails request worker busy for at least as long as it takes to stream the bytes from the remote storage. So we don't recommend this technique.

Alternately, you can get a URL directly to the asset at whatever storage location, with an_asset.file.url -- a method on the Shrine::UploadedFile, which is forwarded to the relevant Shrine::Storage class.

For Shrine::Storage::FileSystem-stored files, if they are all public and need no authorization, and you store files in ./public, that could work seamlessly.

If your files are stored on S3, there are some additional arguments that can be given to asset.file.url, and you can get either S3 "public" or signed URLs.

If you created your Shrine::Storage::S3 with public: true, causing all files to get public-read ACLs, #url will simply return a standard public URL, great.

Otherwise, #url will return a unique signed-url, which provides time-limited access to even a non-public file. You can pass public: true (or false) to specifically ask for a public or signed URL. You can also pass additional options as suitable for Aws::S3::Object#presigned_url or Aws::S3::Object#public_url, to control expiration time, instruct S3 to deliver response with certain headers like Content-Disposition, etc.

S3 signed URLs are nice for providing access to non-public resources, but they can introduce problems with HTTP cacheability, since generally every response will have a unique S3 signed URL delivered for a given resource. Additionally, generating a signed S3 URL may take enough CPU time that it becomes problematic with very many on a page. You may want to include URLs on pages that point to internal app controller actions, which then redirect to an S3 url (or deliver the bytes directly).

There are different trade-offs with different file delivery mechanisms, and we haven't quite figured out the best for our usage patterns. Kithe (via shrine) aims to give you the tools to build whatever works for you at any given time.

Promotion callbacks

Kithe lets you register before/after/around callbacks on promotion, on your Asset class. Promotion is a pretty key lifecycle point which you often want to hook into. You might want to analyze the file before promotion (virus checker?). After promotion is when the file is first fully processed and available, so after promotion you might want to kick off some form of indexing, or cache invalidation.

You can use before_promotion, after_promotion, and around_promotion like any standard ActiveRecord callback, on your custom local Asset class.

Kithe::Asset already has a before_promotion callback registered for triggering shrine metadata extraction, and an after_promotion callback registered for kicking off derivatives in a background job.

class LocalAsset < Kithe::Asset
  before_promotion do
    if want_to_cancel?(self)
      # consistent with other AR callbacks, throw :abort will cancel
      # the promotion process.
      throw :abort

  after_promotion :some_method_in_your_class, if: ->(model) {  }

At the point the before callback is triggered, metadata has already been extracted, and you have access to it. If you abort the promotion, the extracted metadata will not be saved, and promotion won't happen. It's up to you and your app to log or store or notify that this happened in whatever way makes sense, kithe data structures won't make it clear why promotion didn't happen.

Re-use of local source file for performance

If you need access ot a file on disk, you want to use Shrine.with_file on the source_io.

class LocalAsset < Kithe::Asset
  before_promotion do
    Shrine.with_file(self.file) do |local_file|
      # ...

AND you should make sure to add the shrine tempfile plugin to the global Shrine object in an initializer:

Shrine.plugin :tempfile

Then, kithe will make sure that a single local copy is made during the promotion process and re-used for all your metadata and before_promotion hooks.

Customizing the ingest lifecycle

After you save a Kithe::Asset where you've changed the file attachment, after the db commit has succeeded, shrine will ordinarily trigger promotion. Kithe sets up some custom logic to by default put promotion in a background job, and automatically trigger derivatives creation after promotion, in a separate background job.

The kithe custom logic also includes ways to override this though, globally or for a particular asset instance, which we call "promotion directives".

If you'd like to save an Asset, but disable the promotion step entirely, before saving set a promotion directive:

asset.set_promotion_directives(promote: false)!

In this case the attachment will not be automatically promoted from cache storage, and the metadata extraction and derivative generation normally a part of promotion will not happen automatically. You could still trigger promotion manually:


Which would trigger promotion along with all promotion callbacks (by default metadata extraction, and derivative generaton in a separate launched ActiveJob).

If you instead want promotion to happen, but inline instead of kicking off a background job:

asset.set_promotion_directives(promote: :inline)!

The Kithe::AssetPromoteJob won't be queued, promotion will happen immediately. By default, it will still trigger a Kithe::CreateDerivativesJob to create derivatives you have defined as defaults though. If you want this to be disabled, or inline too:

asset.set_promotion_directives(promote: :inline, create_derivatives: false)
# or
asset.set_promotion_directives(promote: :inline, create_derivatives: :inline)!

You can combine values for promote and create_derivatives however you like. For instance, to leave the promotion in a background job, but have the derivatives created in that same job instead of a Kithe::CreateDerivativesJob being queued, just asset.set_promotion_directives(create_derivatives: :inline)

You can also turn off the promotion callbacks; metadata extraction, derivatives launching, and any local promotion callbacks you've registered.

asset.set_promotion_directives(skip_callbacks: true)

And if you'd like to set these promotion directives globally, you can do so on the Kithe::Asset class (or on specific sub-classes applying only to those subclasses), using the promotion_directives class attribute.

Kithe::Asset.promotion_directives = { promote: :inline, create_derivatives: false }

This can be useful if you want to globally opt-out of kithe default behavior. But also for a batch process -- if you are ingesting hundreds of assets, you may not want to kick off background jobs for them all and fill up your job queue. Or for setting up your testing environment.

Custom Shrine Uploader

By default, Kithe::Asset and any local sub-classes use the Kithe::AssetUploader, which includes a bunch of kithe plugins to make all this kithe behavior happen, and a bunch of shrine plugins that make sense for kithe use cases, to give you out of the box working behavior without having to spend a lot of time setting things up.

But in your local Asset subclass, you can set your own local shrine uploader instead. This way you have access to the full power of shrine. You can include any additional shrine plugins you want, define custom metadata extractors, and define derivatives. You use the kithe method set_shrine_uploader to "override" the uploader from Kithe::Asset. We recommend your custom uploader subclass Kithe::AssetUploader, so you start with the default kithe behavior.

# app/models/asset.rb
class Asset < Kithe::Asset

# app/uploader/asset_uploader.rb
class AssetUploader < Kithe::AssetUploader
  # gives us md5, sha1, sha512
  plugin :kithe_checksum_signatures

  # lets you assign remote urls for browseeverything-style use cases
  plugin :kithe_accept_remote_url

Custom Metadata and Characterization

You can use shrine's add_metadata plugin, already included in Kithe::AssetUploader to add arbitrary metadata.

To fit in with shrine's lifecycle, recommend you guard metadata extraction with context[:action] != :cache. You may also wish to calculate the metadata only for originals (not derivatives); unless you do want it calculated for (or only for) derivatives.

class AssetUploader < Kithe::AssetUploader
  add_metadata :something_fancy do |source_io, derivative:nil, **context|
    if context[:action] != :cache && derivative.nil?

Re-use of local source file for performance

If you need access ot a file on disk, you want to use Shrine.with_file on the source_io.

class AssetUploader < Kithe::AssetUploader
  add_metadata :something_fancy do |source_io, derivative:nil, **context|
    Shrine.with_file(source_io) do |local_file|
      # ...

AND you want to make sure to add the shrine tempfile plugin to the global Shrine object in an initializer:

Shrine.plugin :tempfile

Then, kithe will make sure that a single local copy is made during the promotion process and re-used for all your metadata and before_promotion hooks.

FFprobe helper

Kithe also provides a helper class to do audio/video characterization with ffprobe (a tool that comes with ffmpeg). Here's an example of extracting multiple metadata fields, only for video input, using an ffprobe-based extractor that comes with kithe -- executing only on store action, and only for originals not derivatives.

# audio/video file characterization
add_metadata do |source_io, context|
  Kithe::FfprobeCharacterization.characterize_from_uploader(source_io, context)

Exiftool helper

Kithe includes a convenience class for running and interpreting exiftool output. The tool outputs json, but as it's fairly large, you might want to create a separate attribute from shrine metadata and store it there. This shows one way you might do that:

class MyAsset < Kithe::Asset
  before_promotion :store_exiftool

  def store_exiftool
    # assume we've created an attribute for exiftool_result
    Shrine.with_file(self.file) do |local_file|
      self.exiftool_result =

## then later....
exiftool_result = Kithe::ExiftoolCharacterization.presenter_for(some_asset.exiftool_result)
exiftool_result.camera_model # etc


The built-in shrine validation architecture is targetted at interactive forms, and doesn't make a lot of sense in our scenario where where metadata extraction and promotion happen in the background.

We haven't totally worked out what makes sense in kithe. But it will probably involve registering a before_promotion callback to cancel promotion based on asset metadata, and record that (with error messages?) somewhere in your app, for presentation later.

Note on deleting and callbacks

If you delete an Asset using ActiveRecord destroy, shrine will take care of making sure the actual bytestream in storage is deleted too. If you use ActiveRecord delete, which doesn't call shrine callbacks, it won't be able to. So beware!

Likewise, if you are setting a new file on an Asset, make sure to do it in a way that does not disable ActiveRecord callbacks, to make sure kithe and shrine have the chance to remove originals and derivatives for the old replaced file that is no longer referenced after save.

Optional plugins

Shrine provides a few plugins that are not by default included in Kithe::AssetUploader, but which you can include in your custom local uploader.


Calculates metadata for some some standard fixity checksums: sha1, md5, and sha512. And provides methods on the asset.file object to access.


Adding this plugin into your uploader, you can assign remote urls to an asset.file, and they will be copied locally on promotion phase.

You assign this with a hash with special storage key remote_url, and id pointing to URL. (It is also possible to specify HTTP client headers to use in headers key, such as an Authorization bearer token).

some_asset.file = { "storage" => "remote_url", "id" => "" }

You could use this as a way to attach files identified with the front-end from browse-everything, without using the back-end of browse-everything. Just use kithe's built-in handling of attaching any remote_url.

Do Note There's currently no built-in whitelisting, any URL you provide will be streamed and attached. Handle validation in your controller layer if needed, or ask us for a feature.