Kithe provides a base for some modelling of some key domain objects, that is influenced by and based on (but does not completely match) PCDM and traditional hyrax/samvera domain modelling.
Kithe provides three classes of models: Work, Asset, and Collection.
They all live in the postgres database; using ActiveRecord single-table inheritance, they actually all live in the same kithe_models
database, with the parent ruby class Kithe::Model
. This is meant to support hetereogenous assocications and fetches in convenient and high-performance ways (eg "members" association which can contain Works or Assets). It also makes it trivial to use db constraints to ensure uniqueness of primary keys and other IDs accross all model types, as has been traditional in samvera apps.
Kithe::Work is the basic unit of interest for a digital collections/repo app. It might represent a scanned book; a photograph or set of photographs; a PDF dissertation (possibly with accompanying material); etc. An app is expected to have one (or more) custom sub-classes of Kithe::Work, with custom defined metadata. (See "attr_json and custom app classes" section below) In addition to metadata, each work can have zero or more attached children/members
, which can be either other Works or Assets, and have an order. A Work may belong to zero or more Collections.
A Kithe::Work can have a representative member, an Asset or child work to be used as a thumbnail etc. See Work Representative guide
All kithe model objects have a
attribute, which can be used to order objects in the one-to-manymembers
association from it'sparent
Kithe::Asset represents a single ingested file (digital object), and metadata (technical, descriptive, whatever) about it. Each Asset normally belongs to exactly one parent
Work, which it is a member of. An Asset is allowed to have no parent, mainly intended for ingested Assets waiting for assignment.
Assets additionally have "derivatives" (thumbnails, transformations), which are usually automatically generated. See Derivatives Guide
Kithe::Asset roughly corresponds to a samvera "FileSet" plus it's "File" object. In PCDM terms, it's kind of an "Object" combined with a single "File". Unlike in samvera/PCDM, an Asset belongs to at most one parent work. This makes the implementation a lot simpler, easier to make performant, and allows an Asset to more easily inherit certain things, like permissions, from it's parent. We believe this is sufficient for a large swath of apps; an app that needs a many-to-many children/membership relationship might have to add that modelling itself, although existing kithe associations such as
may be re-purposable. -
It is expected you will have at least one subclass of Kithe::Asset. This is where you define derivatives, and other customizations here.
An Asset can belong to a Collection through the
association, possibly for custom use for collection thumbs or other metadata. This is not intended for ordinary collection "membership" though.
Kithe::Collection is a group of Kithe::Works. The association between collection and work is many-to-many, a work can be in several collections. This can use an n-to-m join-table "contains" association. A work has contained_by
association; a collection has a contains
association to it's member works.
You may have one or more custom sub-classes of Kithe::Collection in your app if you'd like to add additional metadata fields or behavior or different collection types.
The "contains" association is actually generically defined on all Kithe::Models, an instance of kind of model can contain/be contained by any other. We haven't tried to put limitations on this in case it seems useful for other purposes to have a generic many-to-many-with-join table association. But it's motivating use-case is collection-work association. You may want to establish additional validation limits in your app if necessary.
Hypothetically, the
column normally used for Work members/parents could be used for nested/child Collections, we haven't carried this through yet.
All Kithe::Model objects are required to have a single non-empty title
, which can be used for labelling in interfaces.
Works, Assets, and Collections all are sub-classes of Kithe::Model, and use ActiveRecord single-table inheritance so they all live in the single kithe_models
This is one way to make it easy to implement (in a simple and performant way) hetereogenous associations -- such as a Work's members being made up of both Works and Assets, in a single ordered list. It also makes it more straightforward to fetch hetereogenous lists, with one db query. We think it will also make it more straightforward to reliably implement preservation activities and functionality, if all objects of preservation interest can be in a single table. (It is also analagous to what valkyrie's postgres adapter does, although valkryie doesn't use the Rails single-table inheritance feature).
The downside of single-table inheritance is that the base kithe_models table may include some columns only relevant to certain sub-classes. This includes association modelling -- while the parent_id
column is intended for work/child relationships, there is no database constraint preventing making an Asset a parent (not intended to be allowed by kithe modelling). In some cases, we can work around this generalization with app-level Rails validations or other model code, or perhaps using ActiveRecord ignored_columns feature to hide some columns from some sub-classes (this has some limitations).
The generalization can possibly be useful in the future in some cases. We've basically defined a single one-to-many association from any Kithe::Model to any other (work members/parent), and a single many-to-many (collection association); perhaps in the future we can generalize this for more purposes, maybe even add a 'type' qualifier to each association.
Single-Table Inheritance can interact poorly with Rails dev-mode auto-loading.
But we are using the Rails-recommended pattern for handling this automatically, so it should work fine. While this became the Rails recommended pattern only with Rails6 and the zeitwerk
loader, it takes care of things in previous versions of Rails too.
We define a Rails enum for kithe_model_type
, with values work
, collection
, or asset
, that you can use to fetch any objects of these main categories where convenient, which can also avoid the STI/autoloading issues.
# should always be 'work', 'collection', or 'asset', even with complex additional
# inheritance hieararchy:
Kithe::Model.where(kithe_model_type: ["work", "asset"]) # all works or assets # or collection? or asset?
All Kithe::Models (Work, Asset, Collection) use UUID primary keys (and thus foreign keys representing these pks, of course), using standard Rails/postgres functionality. This seems inline with where many other samvera community apps are going, when they have the chance.
But UUIDs are inconveniently long in URLs or other user-visible UI. So all Kithe::Model objects also have a friendlier_id
column, intended for an within-app-unique string identifier to be used in URLs and other UI.
The friendlier_id
column is set with database constraints to be non-nil and enforced-unique. Kithe migrations also install a custom postgres stored procedure used to set a default value on insert. It creates a value that is a random 9 chars 0-9 and a-z. (It outwardly has the rough form of a "noid", but has none of the noids features like a checksum).
However, your app can choose to explicitly set a friendlier_id
on insert instead of using the default postgres stored procedure . Perhaps from an existing enterprise identifier minting system you have (Ark), or a ruby gem your app may choose to use (noid-rails?). Because the friendlier_id
is not actually a db pk/fk, you can also change it on a given record at any time with no need for updating any fks or other internal data integrity issues -- although of course it will change your URLs that are in terms of friendlier_id
Kithe::Model overrides Rails to_param to use the friendlier_id. In your controller, you will probably want: Kithe::Work.find_by_friendlier_id(params[:id])
instead of the usual find(params[:id])
It is expected that you will have at least one custom local Work class, which sub-classes Kithe::Work
. You can also have multiple sub-classes, if you need different kinds of works with different metadata or logic. In that case, you might want to create a single local app superclass for all your subclasses, say ApplicationWork
-- compare to Rails ApplicationRecord
and ApplicationJob
-- so you have a place to put things you want to apply to all your sub-classes.
Kithe recommends you use attr_json to create your custom local metadata attributes. Kithe::Model classes all have a json_attributes
jsonb column to hold attributes serialized to a json hash with attr_json. This lets us avoid some of the column-expanding inconvenience of Single Table Inheritance. It also generally gives us a "schemaless" approach to domain metadata, which has been show to be useful in past samvera community and other digital collections platforms -- avoiding the complexity of managing and effectively using the normalized rdbms schemas we'd need for digital collections type metadata otherwise. (In this way we are somewhat similar to valkyrie's approach, which also avoids normalized db schema for most work metadata).
attr_json lets you define attributes as primitive types (string, integer, datetime, etc); arrays of primitive types; or as entire models that can be nested/compund. Examples:
class Work < Kithe::Work
attr_json :more_titles, :string, array: true
attr_json :authors, Author.to_type, array: true
class Author
include AttrJson::Model
validates_presence_of :first, :last
attr_json :first, :string
attr_json :last, :string
work = Work.create!(title: "hello",
more_titles: ["one", "two"])
authors: [{ first: "John", last: "Smith"}]
work.authors.first # => an Author model object
# or set with Author model object instead:
work = Work.create!(title: "hello",
authors: [ "John", last: "Smith")])
Note that you can provide validations on your compound models. Kithe provides some form builder support for editing array attr_json attributes, primitive or model. Arrays of primitive attributes have a lot of limitations in validation convenience, and in presenting validations on a form. You could consider a model of only one attribute as an alternative. But if you do have primitive array attributes, see Kithe::ArrayInclusionValidation
for some validaton assistance.
See the attr_json gem for more documentation on definining metadata with attr_json.
One down-side of storing all attributes serialized in a json hash, is that every save to db with Rails will overwrite the entire json_attributes column. If you have two processes/threads whose execution overlaps, one trying to update (eg) a "publisher" attribute and the other a "language" attribute -- one of the updates could be lost.
One way to prevent that is using standard Rails optimistic locking. Although it can be tricky to figure out how to recover from StaleObjectErrors. In the future, kithe may turn on optimistic locking for all Kithe::Models, and provide some code to make it easier to handle StaleObjectErrors. For now, if you'd like to use optimistic locking, your app can simply in it's own migration add an appropriate lock_version
column to kithe_models