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Lab 9: Artifact Archival

Jenkins slaves are to be considered stateless, and depending on the setup, they really are. E.g. when using containerized slaves. This means that any results of a build that need to be preserved have to be saved before the build ends. In Jenkins this process is called "artifact archival". In this lab we archive some build artifacts and test results.

Lab 9.1: Artifact Archival

In declarative pipelines you use the archive or archiveArtifact step for artifact archival. Create a new branch named lab-9.1 from branch lab-8.1 and add some source code into it:

git pull -s recursive -X ours --allow-unrelated-histories

Note: the option allow-unrelated-histories is necessary since git version 2.9

Then change the contents of the Jenkinsfile to:

pipeline {
    agent any // with hosted env use agent { label env.JOB_NAME.split('/')[0] }
    options {
        buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5'))
        timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES')
        timestamps()  // Requires the "Timestamper Plugin"
    tools {
        jdk 'jdk8'
        maven 'maven35'
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                sh 'mvn -B -V -U -e clean verify -Dsurefire.useFile=false'
                archiveArtifacts 'target/*.?ar'
                junit 'target/**/*.xml'  // Requires JUnit plugin

Declarative jobs automatically check out the repository containing the jobs Jenkinsfile. If needed this can be prevented with the skipDefaultCheckout() build option. archiveArtifacts copies the given artifacts onto the master and associates them with the current build. When a build is deleted all associated artifacts are deleted too.

archiveArtifacts was introduced with Jenkins 2. It is more flexible than the archive step and provides additional options like exclude.

Note: Check the build log output on the Jenkins master. Search for Archiving artifacts and Recording test results. Notify also the new items on the pipeline screen: "Last Successful Artifacts" and "Latest Test Result".

End of Lab 9

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