In this lab we look into how to deal with failures in Jenkins pipelines. A failure is any kind of error condition that results in an unsuccessful build, e.g.:
- Syntax error in source code
- Error in build script or configuration
- Error in pipeline
- Disk full
- Test failure
Usually a build is aborted when a failure occurs, with the exception of test failures.
In declarative pipelines error handling is separated from the actual build logic,
on the other hand failure handling can become quite disruptive in scripted pipelines.
Declarative pipelines provide the post
section and directives like success
and failure
to deal with failures. Create a new branch named lab-10.1
from branch lab-9.1
(the one
we merged the source into) and change the content of the Jenkinsfile
pipeline {
agent any // with hosted env use agent { label env.JOB_NAME.split('/')[0] }
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5'))
timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES')
timestamps() // Requires the "Timestamper Plugin"
tools {
jdk 'jdk8'
maven 'maven35'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'mvn -B -V -U -e clean verify -Dsurefire.useFile=false'
archiveArtifacts 'target/*.?ar'
post {
always {
junit 'target/**/*.xml' // Requires JUnit plugin
post {
success {
rocketSend avatar: '', channel: 'jenkins-techlab', message: "Build success - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)", rawMessage: true
unstable {
rocketSend avatar: '', channel: 'jenkins-techlab', message: "Build unstable - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)", rawMessage: true
failure {
rocketSend avatar: '', channel: 'jenkins-techlab', message: "Build failure - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)", rawMessage: true
It's good practice to use the always
directive to ensure the capture test results even when uncatched exceptions
are thrown during test runs. There's also a changed
directive whose steps are executed whenever the build status changes,
e.g. from unstable to success.
Obviously we'll want eliminate the similar code in the global post
directive. We'll get to that when we'll visit shared libraries.
The rawMesssage
attribute of rocketSend
tells Rocket.Chat not to add content on its own like link previews.
Note: Check the message of your build in the Rocket.Chat channel.
Add mail notification to the previous lab. See for a list of available steps or use the snippet generator.
Verify your scripts with the solution.
Do a change in branch lab-10.1
such that the message in the chat will be: "Build unstable".
Note: To change the build result in Jenkins from failed (red) to unstable (yellow), you have to extend the maven command by: -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true
sh 'mvn -B -V -U -e clean verify -Dsurefire.useFile=false -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true'
End of Lab 10