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Eric Tsai edited this page Jul 25, 2013 · 4 revisions

The AchievementPack class provides handlers for several events in the game. These events are separated into player and game events.

Game Events

  1. Match has started (provided by Actor class)
  2. Match has ended
  3. Wave has started
  4. Wave has ended

Player Events

  1. Player has died
  2. Player killed a specimen
  3. Player damaged a specimen
  4. Picked up an item
  5. Hit with a heal dart
  6. Reloaded current weapon
  7. Tossed a grenade
  8. Fired a weapon
  9. Dropped a weapon
  10. Objective changed
  11. Player is damaged

When one of these events are triggered, the respective handlers are called. The game related events will call all handlers, however, the player events will only call the handlers belonging to that player. For example, if player A shoots a specimen, only his event handlers will be called. The other players will not be notified that player A damaged an enemy. Below is the documentation for the event handlers:

 * Called when the match is over.  The parameters are filled with values pulled from KFGameType
 * @param   mapname         Name of the map
 * @param   difficulty      Difficulty level of the match (7 - HoE, 5 - Suicidal, 4 - Hard, 2 - Normal, 1 - Beginner)
 * @param   length          Length of the game, defined by the constants in KFGameType to check what the length is
 * @param   waveNum         Current wave number
event matchEnd(string mapname, float difficulty, int length, byte result, int waveNum);  
 * Called when the next wave has begun
 * @param   waveNum         Numerical value of the wave that is starting
event waveStart(int waveNum);  
 * Called when the current wave has ended
 * @param   waveNum         Numerical value of the wave that just ended
event waveEnd(int waveNum);  
 * Called when the owner has died
 * @param   killer          Controller of the pawn that killed the owner
 * @param   damageType      Damage type of the killing blow
 * @param   waveNum         Wave number the owner died on
event playerDied(Controller killer, class<DamageType> damageType, int waveNum);  
 * Called when the owner kills a monster
 * @param   target          The monster that the owner killed
 * @param   damageType      Damage type of the killing blow
 * @param   headshot        True if the killing blow was a head shot
event killedMonster(Pawn target, class<DamageType> damageType, bool headshot);
 * Called when the owner damages a monster
 * @param   damage          Amount of damage dealt
 * @param   target          The monster that the owner damaged
 * @param   damageType      Damage type of the blow
 * @param   headshot        True if the blow was a head shot
event damagedMonster(int damage, Pawn target, class<DamageType> damageType, bool headshot);
 * Called when the owner picks up an item from the ground
 * @param   item        Item actor that was picked up
event pickedUpItem(Pickup item);
 * Called when the owner has touched a heal dart
 * @param   healDart    Heal dart projectile that hit the owner
event touchedHealDart(HealingProjectile healDart);
 * Called when the owner has reloaded his current weapon
 * @param   weapon      Weapon that is reloading
event reloadedWeapon(KFWeapon weapon);
 * Called when the owner has tossed a frag
 * @param   fragType    Class of the frag the owner tossed
event tossedFrag(class<Grenade> fragType);
 * Called when the owner has fired his weapon.  This only only called when 
 * the owner has pressed fire, not each time his weapon fires (i.e. bullpup full auto)
 * @param   weapon      Weapon the owner started firing
event firedWeapon(KFWeapon weapon);
 * Player has dropped a weapon from his inventory
 * @param   weaponPickup    Pickup object of the weapon that was dropped
event droppedWeapon(KFWeaponPickup weaponPickup);
 * Called when the objective has changed.  This is also called for "objectives" that only have 
 * narrations being played.
 * @param   newObjective    The objective that story mode has switched to
event objectiveChanged(KF_StoryObjective newObjective);
 * Player has taken damage
 * @param   damage          Damage inflicted onto the player
 * @param   instigator      The pawn that hurt the player
 * @param   damageType      Damage type of the blow
event playerDamaged(int damage, Pawn instigator, class<DamageType> damageType);