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Support table creation of Scalar DB on JDBC in schema-tool (#152)
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brfrn169 authored Feb 26, 2021
1 parent 6b0d226 commit b11156c
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Showing 5 changed files with 340 additions and 4 deletions.
38 changes: 37 additions & 1 deletion tools/scalar-schema/
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@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# Schema Tool for Scalar DB
This tool creates Scalar DB schemas on Cosmos DB, DynamoDB and Cassandra.
This tool creates Scalar DB schemas on Cosmos DB, DynamoDB, Cassandra and a JDBC database.
- For Cosmos DB, this tool creates databases(collections) and tables(containers), also inserts metadata which is required by Scalar DB.
- For DynamoDB, this tool creates tables named with the database names and table names, also inserts metadata which is required by Scalar DB.
- For Cassandra, this tool creates databases(keyspaces) and tables. You can specify the compaction strategy, the network topology strategy, and the replication factor as well.
- For a JDBC database, this tool creates databases(schemas, except Oracle) and tables, also inserts metadata which is required by Scalar DB.
- You don't have to add Scalar DB metadata for transactions. This tool automatically adds them when you set the `transaction` parameter `true` in your schema file.

# Usage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +40,13 @@ $ java -jar target/scalar-schema-standalone-<version>.jar --cassandra -h <CASSAN
- If `-p <CASSANDRA_PASSWORD>` is not supplied, it defaults to `cassandra`.
- `<NETWORK_STRATEGY>` should be `SimpleStrategy` or `NetworkTopologyStrategy`

# For a JDBC database
$ java -jar target/scalar-schema-standalone-<version>.jar --jdbc -j <JDBC URL> -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> -f schema.json

- Note that this tool doesn't create schemas for the Oracle database. Please create the schemas manually for this case.

### Delete tables
# For Cosmos DB
Expand All @@ -55,6 +63,11 @@ $ java -jar target/scalar-schema-standalone-<version>.jar --dynamo -u <AWS_ACCES
$ java -jar target/scalar-schema-standalone-<version>.jar --cassandra -h <CASSANDRA_IP> [-P <CASSANDRA_PORT>] [-u <CASSNDRA_USER>] [-p <CASSANDRA_PASSWORD>] -f schema.json -D

# For a JDBC database
$ java -jar target/scalar-schema-standalone-<version>.jar --jdbc -j <JDBC URL> -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> -f schema.json -D

### Show help
$ java -jar target/scalar-schema-standalone-<version>.jar --help
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,3 +127,26 @@ So, please set an appropriate value depending on the database implementations. P

### Auto-scaling
By default, the schema tool enables auto-scaling of RU for all tables: RU is scaled in or out between 10% and 100% of a specified RU depending on a workload. For example, if you specify `-r 10000`, RU of each table is scaled in or out between 1000 and 10000. Note that auto-scaling of Cosmos DB is enabled only when you set more than or equal to 4000 RU.

## Data type mapping for JDBC databases

When creating tables for a JDBC database with this tool, Scalar DB data types are converted to RDB-specific data types as shown below.

| ScalarDB | MySQL | PostgreSQL | Oracle | SQL Server |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| INT | INT | INT | INT | INT |

However, the following types are converted differently when they are used as a primary key or a secondary index key due to the limitations of RDB data types.

| ScalarDB | MySQL | PostgreSQL | Oracle | SQL Server |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| TEXT | VARCHAR(64) | VARCHAR(10485760) | | |
| BLOB | VARBINARY(64) | | RAW(2000) | |

If this data type mapping doesn't match your application, please alter the tables to change the data types after creating them with this tool.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion tools/scalar-schema/project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,12 @@
[ "2.14.24"]
[ "24.1-jre"]
[cc.qbits/alia "4.3.3"]
[cc.qbits/hayt "4.1.0"]]
[cc.qbits/hayt "4.1.0"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.7.12"]
[mysql/mysql-connector-java "8.0.22"]
[org.postgresql/postgresql "42.2.18"]
[ "" :extension "pom"]
[ "8.4.1.jre8"]]
:resource-paths ["resources"
:java-source-paths ["java/src"]
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion tools/scalar-schema/src/scalar_schema/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
[[nil "--cassandra" "Operate for Cassandra"]
[nil "--cosmos" "Operate for Cosmos DB"]
[nil "--dynamo" "Operate for DynamoDB"]
[nil "--jdbc" "Operate for a JDBC database"]
["-h" "--host DB_HOST" "Address of Cassandra like IP or URI address of your Cosmos DB account"]
["-P" "--port DB_PORT" "Port of Cassandra. This option is ignored when Cosmos DB and DynamoDB."
:parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
["-u" "--user USERNAME" "Username of the database. This option is ignored when Cosmos DB and DynamoDB."]
["-p" "--password ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" "Password of Cassandra or Cosmos DB account"]
["-p" "--password PASSWORD" "Password of Cassandra or Cosmos DB account or JDBC database"]
["-f" "--schema-file SCHEMA_JSON" "Schema file"]
["-r" "--ru RESOURCE_UNIT" "Base RU for each table on Cosmos DB or DynamoDB. The RU of the coordinator for Scalar DB transaction is specified by this option. This option is ignored when Cassandra."
:parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
Expand All @@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
["-D" "--delete-all" "All database will be deleted, if this is enabled."]
[nil "--region REGION" "Region where the tool creates tables for DynamoDB"]
[nil "--prefix NAMESPACE_PREFIX" "Namespace prefix. The prefix is added to all the namespaces."]
["-j" "--jdbc-url JDBC_URL" "JDBC URL for a JDBC database"]
[nil "--no-scaling" "Disable auto-scaling for Cosmos DB and DynamoDB. This option is ignored when Cassandra"]
[nil "--no-backup" "Disable continuous backup for DynamoDB. This option is ignored when Cosmos DB and Cassandra."]
[nil "--help"]])
Expand Down
291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions tools/scalar-schema/src/scalar_schema/jdbc.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
(ns scalar-schema.jdbc
(:require [ :as log]
[clojure.string :as string]
[scalar-schema.common :as common]
[scalar-schema.protocols :as proto]
[ :as jdbc])
(:import (java.sql SQLException)))

(def ^:private data-type-mapping
{:mysql {"INT" "INT"
:postgresql {"INT" "INT"
:oracle {"INT" "INT"
"TEXT" "VARCHAR(4000)"
:sql-server {"INT" "INT"
"TEXT" "VARCHAR(8000)"
"BLOB" "VARBINARY(8000)"}})

(def ^:private data-type-mapping-for-key
{:mysql {"TEXT" "VARCHAR(64)"
:postgresql {"TEXT" "VARCHAR(10485760)"}
:oracle {"BLOB" "RAW(2000)"}
:sql-server {}})

(defn- key?
[column key]
(if key (.contains key column) false))

(defn- get-table-name
([database table] (str database \. table))
([database table {:keys [enclosure-fn]}] (str (enclosure-fn database) \. (enclosure-fn table))))

(defn- get-metadata-table-name
[{:keys [prefix] :as opts}]
(let [database common/METADATA_DATABASE
table common/METADATA_TABLE]
(get-table-name (if prefix (str prefix \_ database) database) table opts)))

(defn- get-metadata-schema
[{:keys [boolean-type]}]
{"full_table_name" "VARCHAR(128)"
"column_name" "VARCHAR(128)"
"data_type" "VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL"
"key_type" "VARCHAR(20)"
"clustering_order" "VARCHAR(10)"
"indexed" (str boolean-type \ "NOT NULL")
"index_order" "VARCHAR(10)"
"ordinal_position" "INTEGER NOT NULL"})

(defn- make-create-metadata-statement
[{:keys [enclosure-fn] :as opts}]
(get-metadata-table-name opts)
(->> (map #(str (enclosure-fn (key %)) \ (val %))
(get-metadata-schema opts))
(string/join \,))
(->> (map enclosure-fn ["full_table_name" "column_name"])
(string/join \,))

(defn- create-metadata-table
[{:keys [execution-fn] :as opts}]
(execution-fn (make-create-metadata-statement opts))
(log/info "metatable table is created successfully.")
(catch SQLException e
(when-not (string/includes? (.getMessage e) "already")
(throw e)))))

(defn- make-create-database-statement
[database {:keys [enclosure-fn]}]
(str "CREATE SCHEMA " (enclosure-fn database)))

(defn- create-database
[database {:keys [rdb-engine execution-fn] :as opts}]
(when-not (= rdb-engine :oracle)
(execution-fn (make-create-database-statement database opts))
(log/info "The database" database "is created successfully.")
(catch SQLException e
(when-not (or (string/includes? (.getMessage e) "already")
(string/includes? (.getMessage e) "database exists"))
(throw e))))))

(defn- create-metadata-database
[{:keys [prefix] :as opts}]
(let [meta-database common/METADATA_DATABASE
database (if prefix (str prefix \_ meta-database) meta-database)]
(create-database database opts)))

(defn- make-create-table-statement
[{:keys [database table partition-key clustering-key reordered-columns]}
{:keys [enclosure-fn data-type-fn] :as opts}]
(let [primary-key (concat partition-key clustering-key)]
(get-table-name database table opts)
(->> (map #(let [column (enclosure-fn (first %))
data-type (data-type-fn (first %) (second %))]
(str column \ data-type)) reordered-columns)
(string/join \,))
(->> (map enclosure-fn primary-key)
(string/join \,))

(defn- create-table
[schema {:keys [execution-fn] :as opts}]
(execution-fn (make-create-table-statement schema opts)))

(defn- make-create-index-statement
[{:keys [database table]} {:keys [enclosure-fn] :as opts} indexed-column]
(let [index-name (str common/INDEX_NAME_PREFIX \_ database \_ table \_ indexed-column)]
(enclosure-fn index-name)
" ON "
(get-table-name database table opts)
(enclosure-fn indexed-column)

(defn- create-index
[{:keys [secondary-index] :as schema} {:keys [execution-fn] :as opts}]
(doall (map #(execution-fn (make-create-index-statement schema opts %)) secondary-index)))

(defn- get-key-type
[column partition-key clustering-key]
(key? column partition-key) "PARTITION"
(key? column clustering-key) "CLUSTERING"
:else nil))

(defn- secondary-indexed? [column secondary-index]
(key? column secondary-index))

(defn- make-insert-metadata-statement
[{:keys [database table partition-key clustering-key secondary-index]}
{:keys [boolean-value-fn] :as opts}
column data-type ordinal-position]
(let [key-type (get-key-type column partition-key clustering-key)
key-order (if (key? column clustering-key) "'ASC'" "NULL")
indexed (boolean-value-fn (secondary-indexed? column secondary-index))
index-order (if (key? column secondary-index) "'ASC'" "NULL")]
(get-metadata-table-name opts)
"'" (get-table-name database table) "',"
"'" column "',"
"'" data-type "',"
(if key-type (str "'" key-type "'") "NULL") ","
key-order ","
indexed ","
index-order ","

(defn- insert-metadata
[{:keys [reordered-columns] :as schema}
{:keys [execution-fn] :as opts}]
(loop [[[column data-type] & rest] reordered-columns pos 1]
(when column
(make-insert-metadata-statement schema opts column (string/upper-case data-type) pos))
(recur rest (inc pos)))))

(defn- make-drop-table-statement
[{:keys [database table]} opts]
(str "DROP TABLE " (get-table-name database table opts)))

(defn- drop-table
[schema {:keys [execution-fn] :as opts}]
(execution-fn (make-drop-table-statement schema opts)))

(defn- make-delete-metadata-statement
[{:keys [database table]} {:keys [enclosure-fn] :as opts}]
(get-metadata-table-name opts)
" WHERE " (enclosure-fn "full_table_name") " = "
"'" (get-table-name database table) "'"))

(defn- delete-metadata
[schema {:keys [execution-fn] :as opts}]
(execution-fn (make-delete-metadata-statement schema opts)))

(defn- reorder-columns
[{:keys [columns partition-key clustering-key]}]
(concat (map #(vector % (get columns %)) partition-key)
(map #(vector % (get columns %)) clustering-key)
(filter #(not (key? (first %) (concat partition-key clustering-key)))
(apply list columns))))

(defn- get-execution-fn
[{:keys [jdbc-url user password]}]
(fn [statement]
(log/debug "Executing" statement)
(-> {:connection-uri jdbc-url :user user :password password}
(jdbc/execute! [statement]))))

(defn- get-rdb-engine
[{:keys [jdbc-url]}]
(condp #(string/starts-with? %2 %1) jdbc-url
"jdbc:mysql:" :mysql
"jdbc:postgresql:" :postgresql
"jdbc:oracle:" :oracle
"jdbc:sqlserver:" :sql-server
(throw (ex-info "unknown rdb engine" {}))))

(defn- get-enclosure-fn
(= rdb-engine :mysql) (str "`" % "`")
(= rdb-engine :sql-server) (str "[" % "]")
:else (str "\"" % "\"")))

(defn- get-boolean-type
(get (get data-type-mapping rdb-engine) "BOOLEAN"))

(defn- get-boolean-value-fn
#(if (or (= rdb-engine :oracle) (= rdb-engine :sql-server))
(if % "1" "0") (if % "true" "false")))

(defn- get-data-type-fn
[rdb-engine {:keys [partition-key clustering-key secondary-index]}]
#(let [data-type (string/upper-case %2)
mapping (get data-type-mapping rdb-engine)
mapping-for-key (get data-type-mapping-for-key rdb-engine)]
(if (key? %1 (concat partition-key clustering-key secondary-index))
(get mapping-for-key data-type (get mapping data-type))
(get mapping data-type))))

(defn make-jdbc-operator
(let [rdb-engine (get-rdb-engine opts)
opts (assoc opts
:execution-fn (get-execution-fn opts)
:rdb-engine rdb-engine
:enclosure-fn (get-enclosure-fn rdb-engine)
:boolean-type (get-boolean-type rdb-engine)
:boolean-value-fn (get-boolean-value-fn rdb-engine))]
(reify proto/IOperator
(create-table [_ {:keys [database table] :as schema} _]
(let [schema (assoc schema :reordered-columns (reorder-columns schema))
opts (assoc opts :data-type-fn (get-data-type-fn rdb-engine schema))
table-name (get-table-name database table)]
(create-metadata-database opts)
(create-metadata-table opts)
(create-database database opts)
(create-table schema opts)
(create-index schema opts)
(insert-metadata schema opts)
(log/info table-name "is created successfully.")
(catch SQLException e (if (string/includes? (.getMessage e) "already")
(log/warn table-name "already exists.") (throw e))))))
(delete-table [_ {:keys [database table] :as schema} _]
(let [table-name (get-table-name database table)]
(create-metadata-database opts)
(create-metadata-table opts)
(delete-metadata schema opts)
(drop-table schema opts)
(log/info table-name "is deleted successfully.")
(catch SQLException e (if (or (string/includes? (.getMessage e) "Unknown table")
(string/includes? (.getMessage e) "does not exist"))
(log/warn table-name "does not exist.") (throw e))))))
(close [_ _]))))

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