Copyright & Licensing
An open source homage to the game "Reigns" (Devolver) In the modern time, where you have 20 turn to save the earth from a pending doom
The base project code is copyrighted by Simon "Togis" Boigelot and is covered by multiple licenses.
All program code (i.e. C#, Lua, XML) is licensed under GPL v3.0 unless otherwise specified. Please see the "LICENSE" file for more information.
All non-code assets (e.g. art, sound) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported) unless otherwise specified.
Feel free to fork and submit PR. Try to follow the coding style and run StyleCop.
You can contact Togis by Twitter (@TogisLp) or email: [email protected]