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In this competition i worked with a challenging time-series dataset consisting of daily sales data, provided by - 1C Company. The goal was to predict total sales for every product and store in the next month. By solving this competition i was able to apply and enhance my data science skills. Main methods I used for this competition is LightGBM that provide the Leaderboard score: 0.90807(RMSE).

The most important features are:

  • standard lag features (target value for X-months ago, target mean value for shop/item_category/items) (X=1,2,3,6,12)
  • how much time this item is on the market (or is it brand new item that appear for the very first time)
  • mean target values for new items (that appear for the very first time) for shop/item_category
  • text feature generated from shop_names
  • grouping items into small categories

Tools I used in this competition are: numpy, pandas, sklearn, XGBoost GPU, LightGBM All models are tuned on a windows10 with Intel i5 8thgen processor, 8GB RAM. Tuning models took about 12 to 16 hours, and training on the whole dataset took less than 15 minutes

I. Exploratory Data Analysis

Information can be found in 2 EDA notebooks

  • Take a quick look:
    • Import each dataset and make a Quick exploration for each one
    • Detect possible outliers and missing values using (describe() and hist() )
  • Deeper investigation through some ambiguous or potential variables (Univariate Exploration): builds a solide foundation about the distribution and the structure of each dataset
  • Data cleaning:
    • item_cnt_day variable is heavily skewed, most of the values are arround 0 and 5.0 , this range contain 99.9% of the data range. but before droping them we need to check if those are a real outliers or special cases ( should check other items with item-id for those outlier items ).
    • my investigation lead me to drop some rows that are clearly outliers from their influence on the distribution of that specific item
    • i did the same for item_price variable
    • for the shop dataset i found out that several shops are duplicates of each other (according to its name), so i fix the training and testings set
  • Discover and Visualize to gain insights:
    • using summary statistics its hepls but not that much cause we're dealing with time-series datasets
    • so what realy helps is Exploratory Analysis(Bivariate Exploration specifically) using the date variable on the x-axis and other variable on the y-axis
  • Data leakage:
    • several shops doesn't exist in the testset
    • investigate about the possibility of losing information if we drop those shops
    • so as result of i drop some of them

II. Feature Engineering

Information can be found in feature_eng notebook

  • Feature preprocessing and generation:

    • grouping items into small categories and apply one-hot-encoding to them : generated from the first word in the item_category_name variable (with no Stopwords and with Stemming)
    • generate shop_city from shop_name and apply one-hot-encoding to them : detect the city using a list of all russian_cities
    • add sepecial dates: from generate_calendar package i generate russian calendar that highlight contain 4 features [is_weekend ,is_business_day, is_holiday] before adding those features to our dataset , i had to mean encoding them with the month variable.
  • Feature extraction from text ( from shop_names and item_name) but unfortunately it doesn't improve the model

    • clean filter shops names and item_name before encoding them
    • Use TfidfVectorizer to transform item_name and shop_name into vectors.
    • Then use TruncatedSVD to reduce its dimensions to 10
  • Mean encodings

    • Since the competition task is to make a monthly prediction, we need to aggregate the data to monthly level before doing any encodings.
    • the test set provided it contain just 2 columns ['shop_id', 'item_id'] and even new items that are note on the training data, so first we need to create a grid For every month('date_block_num') from all shops/items combinations from that month
    • then Add submission shop_id-item_id in order to test predictions #test['date_block_num'] = 34
    • generally mean encoding for all categorical features, Features encoded: item_id,shop_id,item_category_id and Target used for encoding: {'target':'sum','target_mean':np.mean}
    • finally, create standard lag features (target value for X-months(date_block_num) ago, target mean encoding value for shop/item_category/items) (X=1,2,3,6,12), using the created function get_feature_matrix()
  • time features: the goal is to highlight how much time this item is on the market (or is it brand new item that appear for the very first time)

    • for this purpose i create two new features [ year_min, month_min] out of the date feature
    • then i generate a bunch of mean encoding for combinations of Features encoded:[ year_min, month_min, shop_id, item_category_id] and Target used for encoding: {'item_cnt_day':np.mean}
  • finally we will end up this notebook by Train test split which is time based, and save them. now our data is prepared for a ML model

III. Cross validations

Information can be found in function define within tuning_lgb notebook called get_cv_idxs()

  • Since we are dealing we a time series data so I have to pre-define which data can be used for train and test. I have a function called get_cv_idxs that will return a list of tuples for cross validation. I decide to use 6 folds, from date_block_num 28 to 33, and luckily this CV score is consistent to leaderboard score.

IV. Training methods:

Information can be found in tuning_lgb and tuning_xgb notebook

  • Metrics optimization: Regressors minimize mean squared error. Validation metric used RMSE, same as the evaluation metric of the project.

  • Hyperparameter tuning: using hyperopt package (early stopping ), then manually tune with GridSearchCVused

  • 1. LightGBM when tuning the size of the tree, it’s better to tune min_data_in_leaf instead of max_depth. This means to let the tree grows freely until the condition for min_data_in_leaf is met. I believe this will allow deeper logic to develop without overfitting too much. Colsample_bytree and subsample are also used to control overfitting. And I keep the learning rate small throughout tuning.

  • 2. XGBoost I ran the XGBoost with CPU version, and I follow the same tuning procedures as mentioned. For some reason, I can’t seem to get a consistent result while running XGBoost, even with the same parameters.

finally, I pick 2 models: one with max_depth tuned, and one without max_depth tuned, to get out-of-fold features and hoping they are different enough for ensembling.

V. Ensembling

Information can be found in ensemble notebook

With XGB model, LightGBM-1 and LightGBM-2 out-of-fold features from previous methods, I calculated pairwise differences between them, get the mean of all 3, and include the most important features from feature importance: ‘target_lag_1’ to the dataset.

  • From here I try few ensembling methods:Simple average and Weighted average, SKlearn linear regression and Elasticnet

the last methods results in RMSE score that is slightly better than the LightGBM best model.


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