This repository contains astrophysical N-body simulation experiments.
First prepare an environment. I used conda environment with Python 3.9:
conda create -n agama python=3.9
Clone this repository and install all required packages in the environment:
git clone
cd Nbody
conda activate agama
pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install # optional, only if you want to commit to repository
To install NEMO, follow these steps:
git clone # I use commit 8a2cbf4fcd565d7a55403ba135fd64716ef0b812
cd nemo
./configure --with-yapp=pgplot
make build check bench5
cd ../ # back to repository root
If installation completed successfully, you should get "TESTSUITE: OK" for each test (see file install.log
Note: Everytime you want to use NEMO, you first need to execute this from
repository root:source
Alternatively, you might want to add the command above (with the full path to
) at the end of your.bashrc
For more info about NEMO see NEMO's official documentation and NEMO's github pages
Activate conda environment, if it is not activated:
conda activate agama
To install Agama, follow these steps:
git clone # I use commit acf08a656e2aa67d466cafd7c92ba2cd277ff9e8
cd Agama
pip install .
cd ../ # back to repository root
For more info about Agama see and official AGAMA documentation.
To install glnemo2
for snapshot visualization, follow the instructions at the official site.
After installation, you will have the following repository structure:
├── Agama # Agama repository root
├── nemo # nemo repository root
├── sandbox
├── images
├── requirements.txt
├── ... # other files
This experiment demonstrates how to create a self-consistent model for a custom density function. This is just a toy example based on For more info see README
This experiment is based on article Primordial Black Hole clusters, phenomenology & implications by Juan Garcia-Bellido. The goal of this experiment is to create a self-consistent model with Plummer density profile and log-normal mass spectrum, and then evolve it for Hubble time. For more info see README