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test for job results
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saurabhnanda committed Oct 6, 2023
1 parent 4d894ee commit 644552c
Showing 1 changed file with 72 additions and 52 deletions.
124 changes: 72 additions & 52 deletions test/Test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import qualified OddJobs.ConfigBuilder as Job
import UnliftIO
import Control.Exception (ArithException)
import Data.Bifunctor(first)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)

$(Aeson.deriveJSON Aeson.defaultOptions ''Seconds)

Expand All @@ -57,30 +58,36 @@ main = do
bracket createJobPool destroyAllResources $ \jobPool -> do
defaultMain $ tests appPool jobPool
connInfo = ConnectInfo
{ connectHost = "localhost"
, connectPort = fromIntegral (5432 :: Int)
, connectUser = "jobs_test"
, connectPassword = "jobs_test"
, connectDatabase = "jobs_test"

createAppPool = Pool.newPool $ Pool.defaultPoolConfig
(PGS.connect connInfo) -- create a new resource
PGS.close -- destroy resource
(fromRational 10) -- number of seconds unused resources are kept around
createJobPool = Pool.newPool $ Pool.defaultPoolConfig
(PGS.connect connInfo) -- create a new resource
PGS.close -- destroy resource
(fromRational 10) -- number of seconds unused resources are kept around
getConnInfo = do
connectHost <- (fromMaybe "localhost") <$> lookupEnv "PGHOST"

Check warning on line 62 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(fromMaybe \"localhost\") <$> lookupEnv \"PGHOST\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "fromMaybe \"localhost\" <$> lookupEnv \"PGHOST\""

Check warning on line 62 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(fromMaybe \"localhost\") <$> lookupEnv \"PGHOST\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "fromMaybe \"localhost\" <$> lookupEnv \"PGHOST\""
connectUser <- (fromMaybe "jobs_test") <$> lookupEnv "PGUSER"

Check warning on line 63 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(fromMaybe \"jobs_test\") <$> lookupEnv \"PGUSER\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "fromMaybe \"jobs_test\" <$> lookupEnv \"PGUSER\""

Check warning on line 63 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(fromMaybe \"jobs_test\") <$> lookupEnv \"PGUSER\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "fromMaybe \"jobs_test\" <$> lookupEnv \"PGUSER\""
connectPassword <- (fromMaybe "jobs_test") <$> lookupEnv "PGPASSWORD"

Check warning on line 64 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(fromMaybe \"jobs_test\") <$> lookupEnv \"PGPASSWORD\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "fromMaybe \"jobs_test\" <$> lookupEnv \"PGPASSWORD\""

Check warning on line 64 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(fromMaybe \"jobs_test\") <$> lookupEnv \"PGPASSWORD\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "fromMaybe \"jobs_test\" <$> lookupEnv \"PGPASSWORD\""
connectDatabase <- (fromMaybe "jobs_test") <$> lookupEnv "PGDATABASE"

Check warning on line 65 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(fromMaybe \"jobs_test\") <$> lookupEnv \"PGDATABASE\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "fromMaybe \"jobs_test\" <$> lookupEnv \"PGDATABASE\""

Check warning on line 65 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(fromMaybe \"jobs_test\") <$> lookupEnv \"PGDATABASE\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "fromMaybe \"jobs_test\" <$> lookupEnv \"PGDATABASE\""
connectPort <- (maybe (fromIntegral (5432 :: Int)) read) <$> lookupEnv "PGPORT"

Check warning on line 66 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(maybe (fromIntegral (5432 :: Int)) read) <$> lookupEnv \"PGPORT\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "maybe (fromIntegral (5432 :: Int)) read <$> lookupEnv \"PGPORT\""

Check warning on line 66 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in main in module Test: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(maybe (fromIntegral (5432 :: Int)) read) <$> lookupEnv \"PGPORT\"" ▫︎ Perhaps: "maybe (fromIntegral (5432 :: Int)) read <$> lookupEnv \"PGPORT\""
pure ConnectInfo{..}

createAppPool = do
connInfo <- getConnInfo
Pool.newPool $ Pool.defaultPoolConfig
(PGS.connect connInfo) -- create a new resource
PGS.close -- destroy resource
(fromRational 10) -- number of seconds unused resources are kept around

createJobPool = do
connInfo <- getConnInfo
Pool.newPool $ Pool.defaultPoolConfig
(PGS.connect connInfo) -- create a new resource
PGS.close -- destroy resource
(fromRational 10) -- number of seconds unused resources are kept around

tests appPool jobPool = testGroup "All tests"
testGroup "simple tests" [ testJobCreation appPool jobPool
, testJobScheduling appPool jobPool
, testJobFailure appPool jobPool
, testJobResults appPool jobPool
, testEnsureShutdown appPool jobPool
, testGracefulShutdown appPool jobPool
, testPushFailedJobEndQueue jobPool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,20 +141,20 @@ testPayload :: Value
testPayload = toJSON (10 :: Int)

jobRunner :: Job.Job -> IO (Maybe Aeson.Value)
jobRunner Job{jobPayload, jobAttempts} = (Nothing <$) $ case fromJSON jobPayload of
jobRunner Job{jobPayload, jobAttempts} = case fromJSON jobPayload of
Aeson.Error e -> error e
Success (j :: JobPayload) ->
let recur pload idx = case pload of
PayloadAlwaysFail delay -> delaySeconds delay >> error ("Forced error after " <> show delay <> " seconds")
PayloadSucceed delay -> delaySeconds delay
PayloadSucceed delay jresult -> delaySeconds delay >> pure (fmap Aeson.toJSON jresult)
PayloadFail delay innerpload -> if idx<jobAttempts
then recur innerpload (idx + 1)
else delaySeconds delay >> error ("Forced error after " <> show delay <> " seconds. step=" <> show idx)
PayloadThrowStringException s -> throwString s
PayloadThrowDivideByZero -> seq (1 `div` 0 :: Integer) (pure ())
PayloadThrowDivideByZero -> seq (1 `div` 0 :: Integer) (pure Nothing)
in recur j 0

data JobPayload = PayloadSucceed Seconds
data JobPayload = PayloadSucceed Seconds (Maybe String)
| PayloadFail Seconds JobPayload
| PayloadAlwaysFail Seconds
| PayloadThrowStringException String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,13 +328,15 @@ payloadGen :: MonadGen m => m JobPayload
payloadGen = Gen.recursive Gen.choice nonRecursive recursive
nonRecursive = [ PayloadAlwaysFail <$> Gen.element [1, 2, 3]
, PayloadSucceed <$> Gen.element [1, 2, 3]]
, PayloadSucceed <$> Gen.element [1, 2, 3] <*> (Gen.maybe $ Gen.string (Range.singleton 10) Gen.alphaNum)

Check warning on line 331 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in payloadGen in module Test: Move brackets to avoid $ ▫︎ Found: "PayloadSucceed <$> Gen.element [1, 2, 3]\n <*> (Gen.maybe $ Gen.string (Range.singleton 10) Gen.alphaNum)" ▫︎ Perhaps: "PayloadSucceed <$> Gen.element [1, 2, 3]\n <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.string (Range.singleton 10) Gen.alphaNum)"

Check warning on line 331 in test/Test.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint-3.5

Suggestion in payloadGen in module Test: Move brackets to avoid $ ▫︎ Found: "PayloadSucceed <$> Gen.element [1, 2, 3]\n <*> (Gen.maybe $ Gen.string (Range.singleton 10) Gen.alphaNum)" ▫︎ Perhaps: "PayloadSucceed <$> Gen.element [1, 2, 3]\n <*> Gen.maybe (Gen.string (Range.singleton 10) Gen.alphaNum)"

recursive = [ PayloadFail <$> Gen.element [1, 2, 3] <*> payloadGen ]

testJobCreation appPool jobPool = testCase "job creation" $ do
withNewJobMonitor jobPool $ \tname logRef -> do
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
Job{jobId} <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0)
Job{jobId} <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0 Nothing)
delaySeconds $ Seconds 6
assertJobIdStatus conn tname logRef "Expecting job to be successful by now" Job.Success jobId

Expand All @@ -341,7 +350,7 @@ testEnsureShutdown appPool jobPool = testCase "ensure shutdown" $ do
scheduleJob tname = withNamedJobMonitor tname jobPool $ \logRef -> do
t <- getCurrentTime
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
Job{jobId} <- Job.scheduleJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0) (addUTCTime (fromIntegral (2 * unSeconds Job.defaultPollingInterval)) t)
Job{jobId} <- Job.scheduleJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0 Nothing) (addUTCTime (fromIntegral (2 * unSeconds Job.defaultPollingInterval)) t)
assertJobIdStatus conn tname logRef "Job is scheduled in future, should still be queueud" Job.Queued jobId
pure (jobId, logRef)

Expand All @@ -351,9 +360,9 @@ testGracefulShutdown appPool jobPool =
withRandomTable jobPool $ \tname -> do
waitTillJobStart <- newEmptyMVar
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
j1 <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed $ 4 * Job.defaultPollingInterval)
j1 <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed (4 * Job.defaultPollingInterval) Nothing)
time<- getCurrentTime
j2 <- Job.scheduleJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0) (addUTCTime (fromIntegral $ unSeconds $ Job.defaultPollingInterval * 2) time)
j2 <- Job.scheduleJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0 Nothing) (addUTCTime (fromIntegral $ unSeconds $ Job.defaultPollingInterval * 2) time)
logRef <- withNamedJobMonitor tname jobPool (\cfg -> cfg { Job.cfgOnJobStart = \ _ -> do
putMVar waitTillJobStart ()
} ) $ \logRef -> do
Expand All @@ -366,13 +375,24 @@ testJobScheduling appPool jobPool = testCase "job scheduling" $ do
withNewJobMonitor jobPool $ \tname logRef -> do
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
t <- getCurrentTime
job@Job{jobId} <- Job.scheduleJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0) (addUTCTime (fromIntegral (3600 :: Integer)) t)
job@Job{jobId} <- Job.scheduleJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0 Nothing) (addUTCTime (fromIntegral (3600 :: Integer)) t)
delaySeconds $ Seconds 2
assertJobIdStatus conn tname logRef "Job is scheduled in the future. It should NOT have been successful by now" Job.Queued jobId
_ <- Job.saveJobIO conn tname job{jobRunAt = addUTCTime (fromIntegral (-1 :: Integer)) t}
delaySeconds (Job.defaultPollingInterval + Seconds 2)
assertJobIdStatus conn tname logRef "Job had a runAt date in the past. It should have been successful by now" Job.Success jobId

testJobResults appPool jobPool = testCase "job results" $ do
withRandomTable jobPool $ \tname -> do
withNamedJobMonitor tname jobPool (\cfg -> cfg{Job.cfgDeleteSuccessfulJobs=False}) $ \logRef -> do
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
Job{jobId} <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0 (Just "abcdef"))
delaySeconds Job.defaultPollingInterval
delaySeconds $ calculateRetryDelay testMaxAttempts + Seconds 3
Job{jobAttempts, jobStatus, jobResult} <- ensureJobId conn tname jobId
assertEqual "Exepcting job to be in Success status" Job.Success jobStatus
assertEqual "Expecting job to have the correct result" (Just (Aeson.String "abcdef")) jobResult

testJobFailure appPool jobPool = testCase "job failure" $ do
withNewJobMonitor jobPool $ \tname _logRef -> do
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -418,7 +438,7 @@ testOnJobStart appPool jobPool = testCase "onJobStart" $ do
let callback = const $ modifyIORef' callbackRef (const True)
withNamedJobMonitor tname jobPool (\cfg -> cfg{Job.cfgOnJobStart=callback}) $ \_logRef -> do
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
_ <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0)
_ <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0 Nothing)
delaySeconds (2 * Job.defaultPollingInterval)
readIORef callbackRef >>= assertBool "It seems that onJobStart callback has not been called"

Expand All @@ -428,7 +448,7 @@ testOnJobSuccess appPool jobPool = testCase "onJobSuccess" $ do
let callback = const $ modifyIORef' callbackRef (const True)
withNamedJobMonitor tname jobPool (\cfg -> cfg{Job.cfgOnJobSuccess=callback}) $ \_logRef -> do
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
_ <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0)
_ <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 0 Nothing)
delaySeconds (2 * Job.defaultPollingInterval)
readIORef callbackRef >>= assertBool "It seems that onJobSuccess callback has not been called"

Expand All @@ -438,7 +458,7 @@ testOnJobTimeout appPool jobPool = testCase "onJobTimeout" $ do
let callback = const $ modifyIORef' callbackRef (const True)
withNamedJobMonitor tname jobPool (\cfg -> cfg{Job.cfgOnJobTimeout=callback, Job.cfgDefaultJobTimeout=Seconds 2}) $ \_logRef -> do
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
_ <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 10)
_ <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing)
delaySeconds (2 * Job.defaultPollingInterval)
readIORef callbackRef >>= assertBool "It seems that onJobTimeout callback has not been called"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,9 +496,9 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
let firstResource = [(Job.ResourceId "first", 1)]
secondResource = [(Job.ResourceId "second", 1)]

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = thirdJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) secondResource
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource
Job{jobId = thirdJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) secondResource

_jone <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
_jtwo <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
Expand All @@ -489,8 +509,8 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
assertJobIdStatus conn tname logRef "Job uses different resources - it should be running" Job.Locked thirdJob

, testCase "resource-less jobs run normally" $ setup jobPool $ \tname resCfg logRef conn cfg -> do
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) []
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) []
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) []
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) []

_jone <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
_jtwo <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
Expand All @@ -502,9 +522,9 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
let firstResource = [(Job.ResourceId "first", 1)]
secondResource = [(Job.ResourceId "second", 1)]

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) (firstResource <> secondResource)
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = thirdJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) secondResource
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) (firstResource <> secondResource)
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource
Job{jobId = thirdJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) secondResource

jone <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
jtwo <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
Expand All @@ -520,8 +540,8 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
, testCase "resources are freed when jobs succeed" $ setup jobPool $ \tname resCfg logRef conn cfg -> do
let firstResource = [(Job.ResourceId "first", 1)]

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource

jone <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
_jtwo <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
Expand All @@ -540,7 +560,7 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
let firstResource = [(Job.ResourceId "first", 1)]

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadAlwaysFail 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource

jone <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
_jtwo <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
Expand All @@ -560,8 +580,8 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
let firstResource = [(Job.ResourceId "first", 1)]
resCfg' = resCfg { Job.resCfgDefaultLimit = 2 }

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource

_jone <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
_jtwo <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
Expand All @@ -573,9 +593,9 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
let firstResource n = [(Job.ResourceId "first", n)]
resCfg' = resCfg { Job.resCfgDefaultLimit = 5 }

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10) (firstResource 4)
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10) (firstResource 3)
Job{jobId = thirdJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10) (firstResource 2)
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) (firstResource 4)
Job{jobId = secondJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) (firstResource 3)
Job{jobId = thirdJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg' (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) (firstResource 2)

jone <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
_jtwo <- runSingleJobFromQueue cfg
Expand All @@ -598,7 +618,7 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
, testCase "resource limits permanently block too-big jobs" $ setup jobPool $ \tname resCfg logRef conn cfg -> do
let firstResource = [(Job.ResourceId "first", 2)]

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource

void $ runSingleJobFromQueueBlock cfg

Expand All @@ -607,7 +627,7 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
, testCase "resources with 0 limit block jobs" $ setup' jobPool 0 $ \tname resCfg logRef conn cfg -> do
let firstResource = [(Job.ResourceId "first", 1)]

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource

void $ runSingleJobFromQueueBlock cfg

Expand All @@ -616,7 +636,7 @@ testResourceLimitedScheduling _appPool jobPool = testGroup "concurrency control
, testCase "resources with negative limit block jobs" $ setup' jobPool (-5) $ \tname resCfg logRef conn cfg -> do
let firstResource = [(Job.ResourceId "first", 1)]

Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10) firstResource
Job{jobId = firstJob} <- Job.createJobWithResources conn tname resCfg (PayloadSucceed 10 Nothing) firstResource

void $ runSingleJobFromQueueBlock cfg

Expand All @@ -641,7 +661,7 @@ setup' jobPool defaultLimit action =
testKillJob appPool jobPool = testCase "killing a ongoing job" $ do
withRandomTable jobPool $ \tname -> withNamedJobMonitor tname jobPool $ \logRef -> do
Pool.withResource appPool $ \conn -> do
Job{jobId = jid} <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 60)
Job{jobId = jid} <- Job.createJob conn tname (PayloadSucceed 60 Nothing)
delaySeconds $ Job.defaultPollingInterval + Seconds 2

assertJobIdStatus conn tname logRef "Job should be running" Job.Locked jid
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -758,7 +778,7 @@ payloadDelay jobPollingInterval = payloadDelay_ (Seconds 0)
let defaultDelay x = total + x + jobPollingInterval
in case p of
PayloadAlwaysFail x -> defaultDelay x
PayloadSucceed x -> defaultDelay x
PayloadSucceed x _ -> defaultDelay x
PayloadFail x ip -> payloadDelay_ (defaultDelay x) ip
PayloadThrowStringException _ -> defaultDelay 0
PayloadThrowDivideByZero -> defaultDelay 0
Expand Down

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