RobotFramework library for testing Kubernetes cluster
# install library itself
pip install robotframework-kubelibrary
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
# run example tests
pip install robotframework-requests
git clone
cd KubeLibrary
robot -e prerelease testcases
Pods in kube-system are ok
[Documentation] Test if all pods in kube-system initiated correctly and are running or succeeded
[Tags] cluster smoke
Given kubernetes API responds
When getting all pods in "kube-system"
Then all pods in "kube-system" are running or succeeded
Grafana has correct version
[Documentation] Test if Grafana container image is in correct version
[Tags] grafana
Given kubernetes API responds
When accessing "grafana-" excluding "svclb" container images version in "default"
Then "grafana/grafana:6.5.0" version is used
More examples in testcases/ directory.
To see all the tests passing execute below commands.
# run cluster tests
robot -i cluster -e prerelease testcases/
helm repo add grafana
helm repo update
helm install grafana grafana/grafana -f testcases/grafana/values.yaml
# run grafana tests
export KLIB_POD_PATTERN='grafana.*'
export KLIB_POD_ANNOTATIONS='{"kubelibrary":"testing"}'
export KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE=default
robot -i grafana -e prerelease testcases/
git clone
helm install octopus octopus/chart/octopus/
# run octopus tests
export KLIB_POD_PATTERN='octopus.*'
export KLIB_POD_LABELS='{"app":"octopus"}'
export KLIB_ENV_VARS='{"SECRET_NAME":"webhook-server-secret"}'
export KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE=default
robot -i octopus -e prerelease testcases/
These tests require the kubelib-test helm-chart to be installed in your test cluster.
# run other library tests
export KLIB_POD_PATTERN='busybox.*'
export KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE=kubelib-tests
export KLIB_POD_LABELS='job-name=busybox-job'
kubectl create namespace $KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE
kubectl label namespaces kubelib-tests test=test
helm install kubelib-test ./test-objects-chart -n $KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE
robot -i other -e prerelease testcases/
These tests require more than one cluster and utilize KinD as a setup. Download KinD and install it.
# Create Test Cluster 1
kind create cluster --kubeconfig ./cluster1-conf --name kind-cluster-1
# Create namespace in Test Cluster 1
kubectl create namespace test-ns-1 --context kind-kind-cluster-1 --kubeconfig ./cluster1-conf
# For bearer token auth
kubectl apply -f testcases/reload-config/sa.yaml
MYSA_TOKEN_SECRET=$(kubectl get sa mysa -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}")
export K8S_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret $MYSA_TOKEN_SECRET --template={{.data.token}} | base64 -d)
kubectl get secret $MYSA_TOKEN_SECRET -o jsonpath="{\.crt}" | base64 -d > ca.crt
export K8S_API_URL=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}')
export K8S_CA_CRT=./ca.crt
# Create Test Cluster 2
kind create cluster --kubeconfig ./cluster2-conf --name kind-cluster-2
# Create namespace in Test Cluster 2
kubectl create namespace test-ns-2 --context kind-kind-cluster-2 --kubeconfig ./cluster2-conf
robot -i reload-config -e prerelease testcases/
# Clean up
kind delete cluster --name kind-cluster-1
kind delete cluster --name kind-cluster-2
Keywords documentation can be found in docs/.
DevOps spiral article on KubeLibrary
KubeLibrary: Testing Kubernetes with RobotFramework | Humanitec
# clone repo
git clone
cd KubeLibrary
# create virtualenv
virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements
Create keyword and test file, import KubeLibrary using below to point to library under development.
*** Settings ***
Library ../src/KubeLibrary/
For development cluster you can use k3s/k3d as described in DevOps spiral article on K3d and skaffold.
python -m robot.libdoc src/KubeLibrary/ docs/index.html