- Maths Quiz game for android.
- An android project to use for different types of multiple-choice quiz applications.
- Written by Sarvesh chavan
- Under The MIT License (MIT)
- Copyright (c) 2017 Sarvesh chavan
- Import the TriviaQuiz project into Android studio.
- Educational (General knowledge).
- Multiple choice answer mode.
- Correct answer option score x1
- Timmer 1min=60sec
- Good and Extensible UI.
- Good splash screen
- Compatibility with Android API-13 and above
- minSdkVersion 13
- targetSdkVersion 25
- Feel free to import the project in android studio ment for educational purpose (to learn to build the mcq type android appication)
- If you do like what you saw please give it a star!! it mean a lot to me.
- For any details email me [email protected]