(style transfer using transformers)
Original Paper
Original Codebase
Sarthak Chittawar
Sanika Damle
python3 train.py
+ additional arguments as specified in the file
python3 style_with_clip.py
+ change file paths in the file
python3 loss.py
+ change file paths in the file
├── README.md
├── transformer files
├── clip
│ ├── finetuneclip.py (finetune clip)
│ ├── metadata.json (metadata of all the wikiart images)
│ ├── styles.txt (different styles)
│ ├── styles_desc.txt (description of styles)
├── content (content images)
├── style (style images)
├── output (output images)
├── videos
│ ├── video_Stabilisztion.ipynb (python notebook with all the relevant code)
│ ├── video files