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Adhese iOS SDK


This is the Adhese SDK for native iOS. The SDK enables you to load ad data from the Adhese API and to display them with a native view.

Adding the SDK

The SDK is available via Cocopods. Add the following to your Podfile and run pod install

pod 'Adhese'

Code example



Initialise the SDK once for the application. This should be called in your AppDelegate class. Preferably in the willFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, otherwise errors might occur because the SDK could be called before it was properly initialised.

#import <AdheseSDK/Adhese.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application willFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey,id> *)launchOptions {
    // Initialise the Adhese SDK
    [Adhese initializeSdk:@"<YOUR_ACCOUNT>" withDebuggingEnabled:YES];
    return YES;

Storyboard implementation

Add an UIView to your storyboard or .xib and set the class to AdView in the identity inspector.

AdView class

Code implementatoon

In the viewDidLayoutSubviews initialise the AdView. Set the frame and add it as a subview:

halfPageAdview = [[AdView alloc] initWithFrame:self.halfPageContainerView.bounds];
[self.halfPageContainerView addSubview:halfPageAdview];

Load Ad

#import <AdheseSDK/Adhese.h>
#import <AdheseSDK/CookieMode.h>

AdheseOptions *options = [[AdheseOptions alloc] initWithLocation:@"_demo_ster_a_"];
options.cookieMode = kAll;
options.slots = @[@"billboard", @"halfpage"];

[Adhese loadAds:options withCompletionHandler:^(NSArray<Ad *> * _Nonnull ads, AdheseError * _Nullable error) {

    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Failed loading ads with errors: %@", error.description);

    Ad *billboard = [self findAd:ads byType:@"billboard"];
    Ad *halfPage = [self findAd:ads byType:@"halfpage"];

    if (billboard) {
        [self.billboardAdview setAd:billboard];
    } else {
        [self.billboardAdview setHidden:YES];

    if (halfPage) {
        [self.halfpageAdView setAd:halfPage];
    } else {
        [self.halfpageAdView setHidden:YES];


Bridging header

To use the SDK, you must create a new bridging header file (more info here).

Make sure to import the SDK header file in the bridging header

#import <AdheseSDK/Adhese.h>


Initialise the SDK once for the application. This should be called in your AppDelegate class. Preferably in the willFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, otherwise errors might occur because the SDK could be called before it was properly initialised.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    Adhese.initializeSdk("<YOUR_ACCOUNT>", withDebuggingEnabled: true)

    return true

Storyboard implementation

Add an UIView to your storyboard or .xib and set the class to AdView in the identity inspector.

AdView class

Code implementatoon

In the viewDidLayoutSubviews initialise the AdView. Set the frame and add it as a subview:

self.halfPageAdView = AdView(frame: self.adContainerView.bounds)
guard let adView2 = self.halfPageAdView else {
    self.halfPageAdView?.isHidden = true
} = halfpage

Load Ad

The SDK is now ready to fetch ad data. Here's an example on how to fetch ad data (for example in the viewDidLayoutSubviews):

let options = AdheseOptions(location: "_demo_ster_a_")
    options.cookieMode = kAll
    options.slots = ["billboard", "halfpage"]
Adhese.loadAds(options) { [weak self] (ads, error) in
    if let error = error {
        print("Failed loading ads with errors: %@", error.description)
    guard let self = self else { return }
    guard let billboard = ads?.first(where: { (ad) -> Bool in
        return ad.adType == "billboard"
    }) else {
        self.adView.isHidden = true
    } = billboard
    guard let halfpage = ads?.first(where: { (ad) -> Bool in
        return ad.adType == "halfpage"
    }) else {
    guard let adView2 = self.halfPageAdView else {
        self.halfPageAdView?.isHidden = true
    } = halfpage

Delegate events

If you want to receive delegate events you can apply the AdViewDelegate to your ViewController. The following optional delegate methods can be implemented.

- (void)adDidLoad:(id)adView withError:(AdheseError * _Nullable)error;                      // Triggers when the ad is loaded inside the view
- (void)trackerWasNotified:(id)adView withError:(AdheseError * _Nullable)error;             // Triggers when the tracker URL has been called.
- (void)viewImpressionWasNotified:(id)adView withError:(AdheseError * _Nullable)error;      // Triggers when the ad has become visible in the viewport
- (void)adClicked:(id)adView withError:(AdheseError * _Nullable)error;                      // Triggers when the advertisement was clicked.


Set adView.shouldOpenAd = NO to enable/disable automatic opening of the ad in the browser. The default value is true, so it will open automatically. However, when setting it to false and implementing the adClicked delegate you can implement custom behaviour.

Publishing the SDK

  1. Change the version number in the Adhese.podspec file
  2. Change the version number in the Adhese SDK target in xcode
  3. Commit the changes to Github
  4. Tag your commit with the same version as specified in the podspec file
  5. Execute pod trunk push via the terminal at the root folder of the project and follow the instructions

ℹ️ For the whole process from start to finish (including initial publishing) see this excellent blogpost.

ℹ️ For more information about managing maintainers see this article.


adhese voor ios






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