Web-based Quotation / Invoice / Receipt System on Django web framework.
invoicepi is a Django app developed to issue invoices, quotations, and receipts (namely invoices in the following) since Django v1, and now supports Django v4.2.
To create, modify and delete invoices, please use Django admin to do it before implementing the UI for editing.
invoicepi can export an invoice to a PDF file for email/archive or simple HTML text for printing.
Git clone invoicepi to your Django project.
add 'invoicepi.invoicepi' to INSTALLED_APPS array of settings.py in your Django project.
add the following path() line to urls.py in your Django project, please do not forget to import include from django.urls.
path('invoicepi/', include('invoicepi.invoicepi.urls')),
- Try local test. Login and main page of invoicepi is located at /invoicepi of your Django project, and use Django admin to modify contents.