PopPUNK modelling: simulates core and accessory genome divergence and calculates Hamming and Jaccard distances, fitting to PopPUNK models.
- tqdm
- scipy
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- elfi
- numba
usage: python run_sim.py [-h] [--core-size CORE_SIZE]
[--core-var CORE_VAR]
[--base-freq BASE_FREQ]
[--base-mu BASE_MU]
[--start-gene-freq START_GENE_FREQ]
[--avg-gene-freq AVG_GENE_FREQ]
[--num-core NUM_CORE] [--num-pan NUM_PAN]
[--core-mu CORE_MU] [--acc-mu ACC_MU]
[--core-sites CORE_SITES]
[--acc-sites ACC_SITES]
[--core-gamma-shape CORE_GAMMA_SHAPE]
[--core-gamma-scale CORE_GAMMA_SCALE]
[--acc-gamma-shape ACC_GAMMA_SHAPE]
[--acc-gamma-scale ACC_GAMMA_SCALE]
[--core-sites-man CORE_SITES_MAN]
[--acc-sites-man ACC_SITES_MAN]
[--num-sim NUM_SIM] [--adjust]
[--outpref OUTPREF] [--threads THREADS]
Calculate relationship between Hamming/Jaccard distances and core/accessory divergence
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input/Output options:
--core-size CORE_SIZE
Size of core genome alignment (in bases). Default =
--core-var CORE_VAR Number of variant sites in core. Default = 106196
--base-freq BASE_FREQ
Base frequencies in starting core genome in order
"A,C,G,T". Default = "0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25"
--base-mu BASE_MU Mutation rates from all other bases to each base, in
order "A,C,G,T". Default = "0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25"
--start-gene-freq START_GENE_FREQ
Gene frequencies in starting accessory genome in order
"0,1". Default = "0.5,0.5"
--avg-gene-freq AVG_GENE_FREQ
Average gene frequency in accessory genome. Default =
--num-core NUM_CORE Number of core genes. Default = 1194
--num-pan NUM_PAN Number of genes in pangenome. Default = 5442
--core-mu CORE_MU Range of core genome mutation rate values (mutations
per site per genome) in form start,stop,step. Default
= "0,2,0.2"
--acc-mu ACC_MU Range of accessory gene gain/loss rates (change per
gene per genome) in form start,stop,step. Default =
--core-sites CORE_SITES
Number of different core site mutation rates. Default
= 3
--acc-sites ACC_SITES
Number of different accessory site mutation rates.
Default = 3
--core-gamma-shape CORE_GAMMA_SHAPE
Shape parameter for core per-site substitution rates.
Default = 20.0
--core-gamma-scale CORE_GAMMA_SCALE
Scale parameter for core per-site substitution rates.
Default = 1.0
--acc-gamma-shape ACC_GAMMA_SHAPE
Shape parameter for accessory per-site substitution
rates. Default = 20.0
--acc-gamma-scale ACC_GAMMA_SCALE
Scale parameter for accessory per-site substitution
rates. Default = 1.0
--core-sites-man CORE_SITES_MAN
Manual core per-site mutation rates. Must sum to 1.
Default = None
--acc-sites-man ACC_SITES_MAN
Manual accessory per-site mutation rates. Must sum to
1. Default = None
--num-sim NUM_SIM Number of simulations to run. Default = 1
--adjust Adjust core and accessory distances for invariant
sites. Default = False
--outpref OUTPREF Output prefix. Default = "./"
--threads THREADS Number of threads. Default = 1
usage: python run_ELFI.py [-h] [--core-size CORE_SIZE]
[--pan-size PAN_SIZE]
[--max-acc-vs-core MAX_ACC_VS_CORE]
[--num-steps NUM_STEPS]
[--base-mu BASE_MU]
[--avg-gene-freq AVG_GENE_FREQ]
[--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
[--samples SAMPLES]
[--qnt QNT]
[--init-evidence INIT_EVIDENCE]
[--update-int UPDATE_INT]
[--acq-noise-var ACQ_NOISE_VAR]
[--n-evidence N_EVIDENCE]
[--data-dir DATA_DIR]
[--data-pref DATA_PREF]
[--seed SEED]
[--summary {quantile,mean}]
[--mode {ABC,BOLFI}]
[--complexity {simple,intermediate}]
[--outpref OUTPREF]
[--threads THREADS]
Fit model to PopPUNK data using Approximate Baysesian computation
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input/Output options:
--core-size CORE_SIZE
Number of positions in core genome. Default = 1000
--pan-size PAN_SIZE Number of positions in pangenome. Default = 1000
--max-acc-vs-core MAX_ACC_VS_CORE
Maximum ratio between accessory and core genome evolution. Default = 1000
--num-steps NUM_STEPS
Number of steps to take in increasing divergence. Default = 50
--base-mu BASE_MU Mutation rates from all other bases to each base, in order "A,C,G,T". Default = "0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25"
--avg-gene-freq AVG_GENE_FREQ
Average gene frequency in accessory genome. Default = "0.5"
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size for processing. Default = 10000
--samples SAMPLES No. samples for posterior estimation. Default = 1000
--qnt QNT Quantile of the samples with smallest discrepancies is accepted. Default = 0.01
--init-evidence INIT_EVIDENCE
Number of initialization points sampled straight from the priors before starting to optimize the acquisition of points. Default = 5000
--update-int UPDATE_INT
Defines how often the GP hyperparameters are optimized. Default = 10
--acq-noise-var ACQ_NOISE_VAR
Defines the diagonal covariance of noise added to the acquired points. Default = 0.1
--n-evidence N_EVIDENCE
Evidence points requested (including init-evidence). Default = 5000
--data-dir DATA_DIR Directory containing popPUNK distance files.
--data-pref DATA_PREF
Prefix of popPUNK distance file(s).
--seed SEED Seed for random number generation. Default = 254.
--summary {quantile,mean}
Mode for summary statistics, either "mean" or "quantile". Default = "quantile".
--mode {ABC,BOLFI} Mode for running model fit, either "ABC" or "BOLFI". Default = "ABC".
--complexity {simple,intermediate}
Model complexity. If simple, predict only a/pi and gene gain rate. If intermediate, predict prior two and fast gene site mu.Default = "simple".
--outpref OUTPREF Output prefix. Default = "./"
--threads THREADS Number of threads. Default = 1
--cluster Parallelise using ipyparallel if using cluster. Default = False