This is for the older version of Craft. Find the Craft 3 version here:
This is a port of Wordpress shortcode functions for Craft CMS.
This plugin allows you to register shortcode callbacks in your own custom plugins. Better code docs will come, but it's very simple to understand by glancing at the code. Suggestions and pull requests are very welcome.
This repo comes with two plugins: The Shortcodes plugin as well as the Myshortcodes plugin as an example of how to use.
In your own plugin simply use the registerShortcodes()
hook to register a single tag, or a list of tags.
class MyPlugin {
public function registerShortcodes()
return array($this, 'foobar');
public function foobar($attributes, $content, $tag)
return 'Foo Bar!';
public function registerShortcodes()
return array(
array($this, 'foobar'),
array($this, 'doubleRainbow'),
public function foobar($attributes, $content, $tag) { ...
public function doubleRainbow($attributes, $content, $tag) { ...
Just like WordPress callbacks you get:
- A key/value pair array of tag attributes,
- The content between the tags.
- The tag name, which will be the name of the method called.
If your text input is
[foobar one="two" hey="who"]This is the wrapped text[/foobar]
public function foobar($attributes, $content, $tag)
$one = $attributes['one']; // 'two'
$hey = $attributes['hey']; // 'who'
$content; // 'This is the wrapped text'
$tag; // 'foobar'
return 'Replacement text.';
Add the shortcodes
filter to the twig template tag.
{{ entry.body | shortcodes }}