Hello everyone!
This is my latest project using HTML and CSS. After completing this project, I plan to dive into JavaScript and work on a few interesting projects with it. Then, I'll move on to exploring React.js.
But let's get back to the main topic. This project is based on the design of the website: sabzlearn.ir. I aimed to recreate it as closely as possible while ensuring it's fully responsive and follows optimal and standardized coding practices.
In this project, I have also used a small amount of JavaScript for a few specific components. The project consists of two main pages: a homepage and a registration page. You can find links to both of them below.
Homepage: https://salehmb1999.github.io/sabzLearn-Training-Project/
Registration Page: https://salehmb1999.github.io/sabzLearn-Training-Project/signIn.html
I hope you enjoy exploring my work. I'm thrilled to have completed this project, and I look forward to continuing my learning journey with even more enthusiasm.