Testing enviroment
Wednesday Exercises
How to make a Pizza - Algorithm
- Buy ingredients
- Prepare the base of the pizza
- Prepare the sauce
- Put the sauce in the base
- Put the Ingredients on the pizza. (Cheese, pepperoni)
- Put the pizza in the oven and cook
- Enjoy your pizza
How to convert Celsius degrees to Fahreinheit - Algorithm
- Get the value in Celsius degrees and assign it to the variable T.
- Multiply the variable T by the constant S1 which has the value of 1.8
- Assign the result to the value Result.
- Sum the Result with the constant S2 which has a value of 32 and assign it again to Result.
- Print the Result variable
Calculate the volume of a piramid
- Request the value of the base of the Pyramid and assign it to the variable B
- Request the value of the height of the Pyramid and assign it to the variable h
- Multiply the variable B by the variable h and by the constant S1 which has the value of 1/3
- Assign that value to the variable result.
- Print the variable result.
Calculate the volume of a cube - Algorithm
- Request the value of any edge and assign it to the variable S
- Power the variable S by 3 and assign its value to the variable result.
- Print the Variable Result
Calculate the volume of a Sphere - Algorithm
- Request the radius and assign to the vairalble R
- Multiply the variable with the constant pi which is equal to 3.1416
- Multiply the result with the constant S1 which is equal to 4/3
- Assign the value to the variable result.
- Print the variable Result
Thursday Exercises
Make a flowchart to define if a number is even or odd. Attached in the repository documents.
Create a pseudocode for an algorithm that calculates the age of a person base of the date of birth
- Request date of birth;
- Request current date;
- Compare dates between each other;
- Count days from DOB to current date;
- Divide the quantity of days by 360;
- Print the result;
Find the treasure. Link to statement: https://github.com/corecodeio/devguide-fundamentals-2022-04/tree/main/src/technologies/2022/week01/challenges/e06/desc
My answer on this is: A and C
This because one of the instructions given is that all messages are lies, therefore, all of the messages were contradicting each other. since the first chest said: The middle chest has a treasure which was telling us that there was nothing in the second chest the second chest said that all chests had a treasure which was another lie and the third one said that just one chest had treasures, then, that reaffirmed my hyphotesis of the chest a and c being the ones with treasures