spawn protection system user zones coming soon
- /spawn - Teleport to spawn
- /changespawn - Change spawn protection settings
"x": 0, //spawn X coordinates
"y": 0, //spawn Y coordinates
"z": 0, //spawn Z coordinates
"type": 1, //0 = xyz, 1 = xz & 2 = floor
"range": 80, //protection distance
"level": {
"explode": false, //allow explosions
"placeblock": false, //allow to place blocks
"destroyblock": false, //allow to destroy blocks
"blockinteracted": false //allow interaction with blocks
"pvp": false, //allow pvp
"pve": false, //allow pve
"damage": true, //allow damae
"monsters": false, //allow spawning of mobs
"teleport": { //command /spawn
"enabled": true, //allow
"time": 0 //waiting time to use it again (seconds)