Devkit is a Command Line tool to easily manage SSH Identities and Github Identitites. It provides an easy way to manage your whole team credentials along with a way to add/remove developers, show status of current developer and switch between developer identities.
If you are using bundler to manage your gems, add dependency to your Gemfile.
$ gem install devkit
Usage: devkit [options] nick_name
Devkit specific options:
General options:
-i, --init Intializing devkit, creating .devkit file
-l, --list Shows list of identities
-p, --purge Removes all devkit generated files
-s, --status Shows current identity
-r, --remove nick_name Removes identity from .devkit file
-c, --choose nick_name Switches the identity
-a, --add Adding a new identity to .devkit file
-d, --drop Drop existing identities
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Show version
Srinivas Aki, The Egghead Creative
Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The Egghead Creative. This software is licensed under the MIT License.