This web application enables you to effortlessly manage your finances by tracking your income and expenses in a user-friendly interface. It empowers you to:
- Add new income and expenditure details with ease.
- View a comprehensive breakdown of your transactions.
- Stay on top of your finances with the constantly updated balance displayed prominently.
The application leverages a robust technology stack to ensure efficient data management and a smooth user experience:
Frontend: React.js
Backend: Node.js
Node.js (version 12 or later) and npm (Node Package Manager): Download NodeJs
git clone
npm install
npm start
This will typically launch the application at http://localhost:3000/ in your web browser.
- User Registration and Profile
- Expense Categories
- Expense Entry
- Income Tracking
- Implement a budgeting feature that allows users to set spending limits for different categories and receive notifications when approaching or exceeding these limits.
- Expense Analytics
- Multiple Currency Support
- Expense Reminders
- Implement a robust search functionality and filters, allowing users to quickly find specific transactions or analyze expenses based on criteria.`