Credits The logo has been designed by mikicon. License MIT @ Ritesh Kumar Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key): Ritesh Kumar📖 💻 🤔 👀 Florian Gilcher💻 Pascal Hertleif💻 Lado Lomidze💻 Mattia Manzati💻 Mohammad Rajabifard🤔 💻 Raathigeshan Kugarajan💻 Gyandeep Singh💻 Matt Holt💻 sreenivas alapati💻 Boris Cherny💻 Mark Lussier💻 Brice BERNARD💻 Satyajit Sahoo💻 Shane Osbourne💻 Rongjian Zhang💻 Keshan Nageswaran💻 codegent💻 Sebastian Maliszczak💻 Haroen Viaene💻 Tim Neutkens🔌 💻 Ramin Rezaie💻 Guilherme Esteves💻 Prasham Ashesh💻 James George💻 Chaitanya Gadodia💻 Miklos Megyes💻 Rishabh Rathod💻 agent515💻 John Schulz💻 Nasrul Faizin💻 Jordan Fisher💻 Chris Sandvik💻 This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!