Issue electronic invoices, download as pdf, manage your clients, items, employees permissions and etc.
Current versions:
- Codeigniter 3.1.7
- Bootstrap 3.3.7
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee to continue its development. Thank you! :)
- Issue invoices and download as PDF
- Add list with your clients
- Add list with your items and their prices
- Manage multiple firms with one account
- Multilanguage - English, France, Bulgarian
- Add wherehouse movements, create Bill of goods, check quantity of products
- Create warranty cards and download as PDF
- Create protocols and download as PDF
- Check and download reports of issued invoices
- Import/Export invoices as XML or Excel
- Add employees, add permissions for every employee
- Responsive system for mobile devices, tablets and high resolution monitors
- Add you own translations for invoices. Can be added any language you want
- Many types of settings such as rounding prices, toner save pdf invoices, etc.
- Import in_dev.sql to your mysql
- Set hostname, username and password in application/config/database.php
- Set your site domain in application/config/config.php - $config['base_url'] = '';
Login to /admin - Username: admin Password: admin
External software needed -