First, create a virtualenv using mkvirtualenv env_name command, where env_name is the name of the virtual environment.
Then run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
which will install all the required modules (only 1 in this case)
After the installation is complete run "python" command to run the script.
A file named 'final.csv' will be created containing all data combined from 'awards.csv' and 'contracts.csv'.
The result: The total amount of closed awarded contracts is 700000
will displayed on the terminal, which is the required value of the Total amount of closed awarded contracts.
Sometimes a 'GeocoderTimeOut' error is raised, due to no response from the server. But I think it also occurs due to a slow connection. It is not a problem with the script. It is caused due to the internet connection. So, if you encounter such errors or any other error, try running "python" a few times.