While running the script: 1. You will receive a notification at 1% battery to plug in your laptop and the same at 100% to unplug it. 2. You will receive a notification if Bluetooth is On and is NOT connected to a device.
Those 2 notifications are persistent so long as the conditions are not met. E.g.: If you don't unplug your laptop at 100%, it will nudge you until you do.
1. Clone repo and unzip
2. Open Automator
2.A. Click New
2.B. Choose Workflow
2.C. Double-click "Run Shell Script"
2.D. Paste the following:
cd "path/to/files"
python3 notify.py
2.E. Click File/Save and Save the script as a .app (File Format)
3. Under System Settings/General/Login Items add the .app script you just saved