A fork of http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/cppunit.
CppUnit is the C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing.
#include "cppunit/TestResultCollector.h"
#include "cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h"
#include "MyTestClass.h"
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
runner.run(argc, argv);
return runner.result().testFailures();
CppUnit will parse the given command-line options and allow some control over the manner of running. The test runner can also display the CppUnit version, or a help message like this:
cppunit_test [options] TEST...
CppUnit test driver
-h --help Show this help message
-v --version Show version banner
-V --verbose Enable verbose progress output
-w --wait Wait to exit until user presses RETURN
-r --no-print-result Disable printing test result
-p --no-print-progress Disable printing test progress
-x --xml-output Enable xml output for test result
#include "cppunit/CppUnit.h"
class MyTestClass : public CppUnit::TestFixture
void testSomething();
static CppUnit::Test* suite()
CPPUNIT_ADD_TEST(suite, testSomething);
return suite;
void MyTestClass::testSomething()
int x = 42;
assert_true(x > 0 && x < 100);
assert_false(x < 0);
assert_equal(42, x);
void assert_true(condition);
void assert_false(condition);
void assert_equal(expected, actual);
void assert_less(expected, actual);
void assert_less_equal(expected, actual);
void assert_greater(expected, actual);
void assert_greater_equal(expected, actual);
void assert_doubles_equal(expected, actual, tolerance);
void assert_throw(expected_type, expression);
void assert_no_throw(expression);
Each of the above asserts may take an additional (last) parameter, an assert failure message.
For instance:
assert_true(foo, "better check the database again");
assert_greater_equal(0, timestamp, "need to update the license file");