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multiboot2-common: doc improvement with figures
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phip1611 committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent aadcf8b commit 82b93e7
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Showing 7 changed files with 386 additions and 8 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .typos.toml
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# "uefi/src/table/"

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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions multiboot2-common/
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Common helpers for the `multiboot2` and `multiboot2-header` crates.

## Architecture

The following figures, not displayable in `` / on `` unfortunately,
outline the design of this crate:

![Overview Multiboot2 Structures](./overview-multiboot2-structures.drawio.png "Overview Multiboot2 Structures")

Overview of Multiboot2 structures: Multiboot2 boot information, boot
information tags, Multiboot2 headers, and Multiboot2 header tags all share the
same technical foundation: They have a common header and a possible dynamic
size, depending on the header.

![Crate Architecture Overview](./architecture.drawio.png "Crate Architecture Overview")

Overview of how raw bytes are modelled to be representable by high-level rusty


The MSRV is 1.70.0 stable.
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Binary file added multiboot2-common/architecture.drawio.png
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217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions multiboot2-common/architecture.drawio.xml

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97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions multiboot2-common/overview-multiboot2-structures.drawio.xml
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61 changes: 54 additions & 7 deletions multiboot2-common/src/
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//! - header structure (whole)
//! - header tags
//! # The Problem / Difficulties
//! # Solved Problem & Difficulties Along the Way
//! ## Multiboot2 Structures
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//! Note that these structures can also be nested. So for example, the
//! Multiboot2 boot information contains Multiboot2 tags, and the Multiboot2
//! header contains Multiboot2 header tags - both are itself dynamic structures.
//! header contains Multiboot2 header tags - both are itself **dynamically
//! sized** structures. This means, you can know the size (and amount of
//! elements) **only at runtime!**
//! A final `[u8]` field in the structs is the most rusty way to model this.
//! However, this makes the type a Dynamically Sized Type (DST). To create
//! references to these types from a byte slice, one needs fat pointers. They
//! are a language feature currently not constructable with stable Rust.
//! Luckily, we can utilize [`ptr_meta`].
//! ## Dynamic and Sized Structs
//! Figure 1 in the [README](
//! (currently not embeddable in unfortunately) provides an overview of
//! Multiboot2 structures.
//! ## Dynamic and Sized Structs in Rust
//! Note that we also have structures (tags) in Multiboot2 that looks like this:
Expand All @@ -68,17 +74,49 @@
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Fat Pointer Requirements
//! ## Chosen Design
//! The overall common abstractions needed to solve the problems mentioned in
//! this section are also mainly influenced by the fact that the `multiboot2`
//! and `multiboot2-header` crates use a **zero-copy** design for parsing
//! the corresponding structures.
//! Further, by having **ABI-compatible types** that fully represent the
//! reality, we can use the same type for parsing **and** for construction,
//! as modelled in the following simplified example:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! /// ABI-compatible tag for parsing.
//! pub struct MemoryMapTag {
//! header: TagHeader,
//! entry_size: u32,
//! entry_version: u32,
//! areas: [MemoryArea],
//! }
//! impl MemoryMapTag {
//! // We can also create an ABI-compatible structure of that type.
//! pub fn new(areas: &[MemoryArea]) -> Box<Self> {
//! // omitted
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! Hence, the structures can also be build at runtime. This is what we
//! consider **idiomatic and rusty**.
//! ## Creating Fat Pointers with [`ptr_meta`]
//! To create fat pointers with [`ptr_meta`], each tag needs a `Metadata` type
//! which is either `usize` (for DSTs) or `()`. A trait is needed to abstract
//! above sized or unsized types.
//! ## Multiboot2 Requirements
//! All tags must be 8-byte aligned. Space between multiple tags may be
//! filled with zeroes if necessary. These zeroes are not reflected in the
//! previous tag's size.
//! All tags must be 8-byte aligned. The actual payload of tags may be followed
//! by padding zeroes to fill the gap until the next alignment boundary, if
//! necessary. These zeroes are not reflected in the tag's size, but for Rust,
//! must be reflected in the memory allocation size.
//! ## Rustc Requirements
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//! See <> for information.
//! Further, the [`Layout`]
//! # Provided Abstractions
//! Figure 2 in the [README](
//! (currently not embeddable in unfortunately) provides an overview of
//! the parsing of Multiboot2 structures and how the definitions from this
//! crate are used.
//! ## Parsing and Casting
//! First, we need byte slices which are guaranteed to be aligned and are a
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//! # No Public API
//! Not meant as stable public API for others outside Multiboot2.
//! [`Layout`]: core::alloc::Layout
#![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", feature(error_in_core))]
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