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pins 1.0.0

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@hadley hadley released this 04 Oct 11:45

pins 1.0.0 includes a new, more explicit, API that includes robust support for versioning. In the modern API, you create a board object which is passed to every pin_ function instead of "registering" a board that is later refereed to with a string. This leads to code like this:

board <- board_local()
board %>% pin_write(mtcars, "mtcars")
board %>% pin_read("mtcars")

The legacy API (pin(), pin_get(), and board_register()) will continue to work, but new features will only be implemented with the new API, so we encourage you to switch to the modern API as quickly as possible. Learn more in vignette("pins-update").

Modern pin functions

  • pin_read() and pin_write() replace most uses of pin_get() and pin().
    pin_write() has a type argument that allows you to choose how to serialise
    your R objects to disk, allowing you to manage the tradeoffs between speed,
    generality, and language inter-op, and a metadata argument that allows you
    to store arbitrary metadata (#430).

  • pin_download() and pin_upload() are lower-level versions of pin_read()
    and pin_write() that work with file paths rather than R objects. They
    replace the use of pin() with a path and eliminate the type-instability
    in pin_get(), which can return either an R object or a character vector of

  • pin_browse() replaces board_browse(), and takes you to a specific pin,
    either the original source on the internet, or the cached version on your
    local file system (#435).

  • pin_delete() replaces pin_remove(), and can delete multiple pins (#433).

  • pin_list() lists all pins in a board.

  • pin_meta() replaces pin_info() and retrieves pin metadata (#418).

  • pin_search() replaces pin_find(). It is much more limited because the
    previous version was based on assumptions that are not true for many boards.

  • pin_reactive_read() and pin_reactive_download() replace pin_reactive().

  • pin_exists() reports whether or not a pin exists.

  • pin_version_delete() allows you to delete a single version.
    pin_versions_prune() (#459) allows you to easily prune old versions keeping
    either a specified number of versions, or all versions beneath a certain age.

Modern boards

This version includes the following modern boards:

  • board_azure() stores data in Azure's blob storage. It is built on top of
    AzureStor (#474).

  • board_folder() is a generalised replacement for the legacy local board.
    board_folder() can store data in any directory, making it possible to
    share boards using shared network drives or on dropbox or similar. If you
    using pins casually and don't want to pick a directory, board_local()
    is a variant of board_folder() that stores data in a system data directory.

  • board_kaggle_dataset() and board_kaggle_competition() allow you to
    download data from Kaggle. The data is automatically cached so that it's
    only downloaded when it changes.

  • board_ms365() allow to pin data to MS One Drive and Sharpoint
    (#498, @hongooi73).

  • board_rsconnect() shares data on
    RStudio connect. This board
    supports both modern and legacy APIs, so that you and your colleagues can use
    a mixture of pins versions as you transition to pins 1.0.0. Note that the
    compatibility is one directional: you can pin_read() pins created by
    pin(), but you can't pin_get() pins created by pin_write().

  • board_s3() stores data in Amazon's S3 service. It is built on top of

  • board_url() lets you create a manual board from a vector of URLs. This is
    useful because pin_donwload() and pin_read() are cached, so they only
    re-download the data if it has changed since the last time you used it (#409).
    This board is a replacement for pin()'s ability to work directly with URLs

The legacy boards will continue to work with the legacy pins API; we will implement modern versions of the remaining legacy boards based on user feedback.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • All board objects now have class beginning with pins_board_ and also
    inherit from common superclass pins_board.

  • Pins no longer works with the connections pane. This automatically registered
    code tended to be either dangerous (because it's easy to accidentally leak
    credentials) or useless (because it relied on variables that the connection
    pane doesn't capture).

  • Pinned data frames are longer converted to tibbles.

  • The "packages" board is no longer registered by default; if you want to use
    this you'll need to register with board_register("packages"). It has been
    radically simplified so that it will no longer download packages, and it
    pin_find() now searches all packages that you have installed, rather than
    a stale snapshot of data in CRAN packages. The CRAN files dataset has
    been removed from the package.

  • board_browse() now works with local boards.

  • board_rsconnect() will automatically connect to the current RSC pin board
    when run inside RSC itself (assuming you have version 1.8.8 or later) (#396).

  • cache_browse(), cache_info(), and cache_prune() provide some basic
    tooling around the local pins cache maintained by pins (#438).

  • pin_fetch() has been removed

  • option(pins.invisible) is now defunct and ignored.

  • You can no longer switch from a versioned pin to an unversioned pin without
    first deleting the pin (#410).