##Collection of small gazebo plugins
A simple (Model) plugin for Gazebo in order to add to Gazebo the mimic joint functionality that exists in URDF (ROS). Inspired by code of Goncalo Cabrita.
XML Parameters
joint (Required)
A string specifying the name of the joint to be mimic-ed.
mimicJoint (Required)
A string specifying the name of the mimic joint.
A double specifying the multiplier parameter of the mimic joint. Defaults to 1.0.
A double specifying the offset parameter of the mimic joint. Defaults to 0.0.
A double specifying the max effort the mimic joint can generate. Defaults to 1.0.
A double specifying the sensitiveness of the mimic joint. Defaults to 0.0. It basically is the threshold of the difference between the 2 angles (joint's and mimic's) before applying the "mimicness".
A string specifying the namespace the robot is under. Defaults to '/'.
Determines whether the joint has PID in order to be controlled via PID position/effort controller. Takes no value: <hasPID/> means that the mimic joint is controlled via PID. Ommit it so that the mimic joint is controlled via setAngle.
A simple (Model) plugin for Gazebo that allows you to disable a link in Gazebo's physics engine.
XML Parameters
link (Required)
A string specifying the name of the link to be disabled. It should be a valid sdf (not urdf) link.
###Hoping to add more plugins....
Standard Gazebo plugin import inside xacro/urdf. Use libroboticsgroup_gazebo_ prefix. E.g. if you want to import MimicJointPlugin:
If there is a need, please make an issue and I'll see what I can do to add that functionality/plugin.
Copyright (c) 2014, Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis